The Lady and the Ghost of Gable Gable

Once upon a time, there lived an elderly widow who had recently lost her husband. Determined to downsize her home, she enlisted the help of various handymen and cleaners to tackle the clutter from her attic to her cellar.

But each time someone ventured into the cellar, they'd dash out of the house within minutes, claiming it was haunted. Perplexed, the widow couldn't fathom what could be causing the commotion.

In a last-ditch effort, she turned to her neighbor's son, Johnny, for assistance. Fearless and eager, Johnny assured her that cleaning the cellar would be a piece of cake.

With confidence, Johnny descended the stairs and began tidying up. As he swept off the workbench, he spotted some money lying there. Remembering the widow's offer, he decided to pocket the cash.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the cellar, chilling Johnny to the bone. "I am the ghost of Gable Gable, put that dollar back on the table," it intoned.

Unfazed, Johnny grinned and retorted, "I am the ghost of Davy Crockett, this dollar stays in my pocket!" With a chuckle, he continued his work, undeterred by the supernatural encounter.

On another occasion, while sorting through boxes of old tools, the ghost of Gable Gable made another appearance. The hired cleaner, trembling with fear, dropped his broom and fled the cellar, vowing never to return.

Yet Johnny remained steadfast. When the ghost materialized before him, Johnny simply smiled and said, "Sorry, Gable Gable, but I've got work to do. Maybe you can help me find some more treasures down here?"

Amused by Johnny's fearlessness, the ghost of Gable Gable faded away, leaving Johnny to continue his task in peace.

With Johnny's bravery and quick wit, the cellar was finally cleaned, and the widow could rest easy knowing she wouldn't be haunted by clutter any longer. And though the ghost of Gable Gable had spooked the other workers, Johnny had proven himself to be fearless in the face of the supernatural.