Why Vote for Me?

It's a good question. You don't know me, you don't know my story. You'll just have to trust that since I spent the time to make this website, pull a whole campaign together, and sacrifice my swathes of my time that I actually give a sh!t.

I'm running because I care.

And who doesn't? No one runs for student leadership positions to pad their resumes or boost their popularity, right? My motivation stems primarily from my experience on Clubs Council this year. The clubs program at ANU is undersupported, underfunded and underappreciated. Starting up a new club myself this year only made plain the incessant red tape and hard work that club executives face, all while being volunteers. The systems in place at both the policy and institutional level are vastly inadequate to serve the needs of both students and clubs, especially on a campus with compulsory union membership. Through my friends overseas, I also witnessed the slow abandonment of remote and off campus students. Although the International Students Department has done an amazing job this year, we still have a long way to go before all our student communities can properly share in the full ANU experience. We all deserve better.

I know my limits. I'm committed.

Let's face it, everyone involved in ANUSA elections is an overcommitted overachieving busybody who can't say no. Honestly, me too. Juggling multiple extracurricular for three years now while maintaining a full study has however given me a good idea of what is doable and what isn't. This is why my policy is strictly focused on the achievable. Anybody with sufficient time can write a list of all the things that are "wrong" and need "change" It takes pragmatism and dedication to consider what be the most feasible and have the most impact, not sounds best on the campaign trail. This is also why I promise right now, that if I am elected I will devote myself to the role in my entirety. I will take no other commitments, on or off campus, and make the absolute most of the opportunity that has been afforded to me.

I am the most qualified candidate, who best understands the role.

The Clubs Officer role will require someone with flexible, yet, shrewd, and decisive. They will have to balance the leadership and stability required for a functional Clubs Council but also remain dynamic and innovative to move change when needed or solve problems quickly during O Week. Such a mantle is best served by someone with an excellent understanding of ANUSA policy and clubs, but also experience in event organisation and planning. I am the only candidate with the working relationships across ANUSA, ANU stakeholders, Residential Halls, and clubs themselves. Through my work as Affiliations Officer I have intimate knowledge of every single affiliated club on campus, invaluable information for someone who's primary job is to represent the interests of clubs. Additionally, in my time on the Interhall Arts Committee and as a club executive myself, I have encountered my fair share of Functions on Campus eForms and COVID curve balls.

My policy therefore, is the best informed and most impactful. Further, I believe in my policy because it has been crafted in consultation with clubs big and small, resident committees, ANUSA officers/departments, and most importantly with students themselves. To be certain, by no means do I think that I can solve anything perfectly. No solution is "right", and I simply believe that mine are the least wrong.

I have a proven track record

Here are a few things I've achieved in the last year which directly feed into my policies:

  • Working with the ANUSA Funding Officer in securing the QPay Union platform for future years, to replace current systems that are outdated and inadequate.

  • Creating new grants, in conjunction CCE Treasurer and Secretary to support newly formed clubs and help to foster joint events.

  • Reforming Affiliations Policy to simplify and consolidate, as well as moving to change reaffiliation cycles in response to club feedback.

  • Facilitating joint club events during O Week and Bush Week, such as the ANU Theatre Showcase.

I give great hugs