Jeevan B. GC, PhD

I am a Computational Chemistry Scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Centre for Protein Degradation, Boston, MA. I received my PhD in Theoretical and Computational Biophysics  from Florida International University, Miami, FL,  where I worked with Drs. Prem P. Chapagain and Bernard S. Gerstman. Before coming to the USA, I completed my B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
My research employs physics-based molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning techniques, statistical physics, and quantum mechanics to understand atoms' jiggling and wiggling motion in biomolecules such as proteins, membranes, and small molecules. At Dana-Farber, I use cutting-edge Computational Chemistry, Biophysics, and single-particle cryo-EM data analysis to investigate small molecules targetting therapeutically important proteins.

Contact Info.

Center for Protein Degradation

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Boston, MA

Curriculum Vitae


Professor Joachim Frank Lab (Columbia Univeristy, New York NY)

Dr. Senthil Natesan Lab (Washington State Univeristy, Spokane WA