Observational Cosmology (quasars and gravitational lenses)
Solar system (study of asteroids and exo-planets)
Theoretical Astrophysics (radiative transfer in rapidly expanding atmopsheres)
Telescopes and instrumentation: lead of the 4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope project ( and great interest in high angular resolution observations (including space observations, coronagraphy and interferometry).
Former lead of the Research Group - AEOS (Extragalactic Astrophysics and Space Observations), 15-20 scientists; author and co-author of some 300 papers in international refereed journals or as “invited papers” presented at international conferences and 200 additional papers in scientific journals or conference proceedings. J. Surdej has managed some 40 scientific (regional/federal, American and European) grants for a total amount of more than 7 million Euros.