
Messages and gifts of appreciation from former students 

From Ong Saw Huey and Lee Kuan Ming (2016-2017) - lovely message that warms my heart, knowing that what we do makes a difference!

From Tuyen Nhu Pham (2017-2019), IAEA fellow from Vietnam

From Yun  - IAEA fellow from Cambodia

From Hoang  Anh Tung & Tuyen Nhu Pham

In fond memory of Moayyad from Jordan, who passed away during the Covid-19 pandemic

It is always heartening to receive warm messages from students who appreciate what we do.

Gifts of appreciation from Master of Radiology students

Batch 2015-2019

Batch 2017-2021

M. Medical Physics (2022-24) student - Liu Yu Xuan from China came to say goodbye in July 2024

He brought me some really nice green tea. So very sweet of him. 

3/5/2024 - A sweet goodbye gift from my dear RA - Vinoshah.