Not only!
Theatre, books, press articles, chronicles...
A career in printing to correct, proofread, layout, lead a DTP team... (novels, statutory auditors, chartered accountancy, books of all trends)
Since many of you come to consult this site from abroad all around the world, I decided to use Google Translate to make available some of my texts in English.
To date, there are 6 texts which can be downloaded free of charge on the dedicated page in English.
This is something new for. You should never stop learning in life...
My places of life? Normandy Near the famous beaches of the "Landing of the Second World War". In France. And especially Condé-sur-Noireau (14), Lisieux (14), La Ferté-Macé (61), Saint-Maurice-du-Désert (61), Nogent-le-Rotrou (28), Berd'huis (61) ... Traveler? No. No way. I went where my job offered me the best working conditions. Now I am a retiree still living in Normandy in "Le Perche", a region well known to Quebecers.
As a child, I was told that I had a "sacré caractoire" 🤨. I'm not sure I've really changed from that point of view. The fault of my ancestors: mixing Breton blood with blood from the North, the risk was significant. I assume.
The school? That is to say… Well, let’s be clear: she didn’t like me. That's good, me neither. I only realized that very late. I had other things to do!
Alternately a waiter in a restaurant, a gas station attendant (yes, there were some), an apprentice sheet metal worker. I ended up landing quite by chance in a printing works on a freezing October Thursday in the rain in 1973…
I only came out 43 years later at 60 having toured Basse-Normandie and after doing quite a few jobs (typesetter, then computer, then keyboardist, then head of department, then technical manager).
The most interesting was that of typo corrector. For what ? Because I was paid to read books! Read or rather correct texts. 55 hours per week. I had to correct books, magazines and other texts before they went to press. I will have read the equivalent of 3,000 books… Out of order and often several at the same time… Yes, that would have been too easy! I did not read what I liked but what I was given to correct. Whether I like it or not. This is actually where I got great benefits from it since I got to know all the opinions. All of them, including those that weren't mine. I can tell you that it builds character… Sorry “caractoire”! The school, besides that, it's gnognotte...
I toured Lower Normandy with my trades, from Clécy (14), Condé-sur-Noireau (14) via Flers-de-l'Orne (61) Lisieux (14), La Ferté- Macé (61), Nogent-le-Rotrou (28) To finish at Berd'huis (61).
I created my first troop (well I was at the initiative) from the age of 10/11, in the boarding school where I was studying, in Caen (14). And if I had great periods without theater because you have to be reasonable and devote yourself to your personal life, I always returned to my first love. In 2000 I created a new adult troupe with 11 people who had never set foot on a stage. Swollen ? Yes. I had been warned: “if you manage to bring 40 spectators, it will be good because people do not come here! ". Just what not to tell me. We made 396 entries!
I left the troupe (you have to know how to leave on time) to devote myself exclusively to writing. Life taught me to defend myself, on my own. Sometimes against walls. A wall is tough. But there are tricks.
I hate confident people who stare at you from the top of their navel. They are actually weak people.
Jean-Luc Pecqueur
but you can also write it Jean-Luc P❤️