English texts

Texts intended for

amateur theater associations

Jean-Luc Pecqueur author theatre
Author theatre chronicles books Jean-Luc Pecqueur

New text (in french for this time)

Author for theatre - All Public pieces - Jean Luc Pecqueur


texts are now available in English

Click on the link below to have the list of all the texts 

From the same author

click on the link of each text

to download an extract for free! 

The funnel of words (L'entonnoir des mots in French) (Article intended for middle and high school students) Download the text

Caroline (Caroline in French) (One man show about the actor's stage fright when he comes on stage) Download the text

Yia and the magic book (Yia et le livre magique in French) (little Christmas story published in a local newspaper ) Download the text

Goulwena's smile (Le sourire de Goulwena in French) (Christmas story published by a local newspaper. Bravo to those who have the courage to dare ) Download the text

Love at first sight by text messages (Coup de foudre par SMS in French) (Little comic piece) Download the text

Stand up straight, Totof (Tiens-toi droit, Totof in French) (Little comic piece) Download the text

The treasure of the Highway (Le trésor de l'autoroute in French) (Comic piece)  Download the text

Here is the synopsis of the play currently being translated:



We are in France, in a very small village of Normandy…

Marie Michu has been enjoying herself for several days since access to the new section of highway requires all vehicles to now pass in front of her very small farm.

A well-known TV presenter having done a report in the area, he spoke of a treasure which might be hidden here.

The lure of profit brings many very interested people to parade and Marie Michu watches them amused...

With Pignoute, the Drag Queen, Senior Executive in Administration, Valquafone, Ugly. Mr. Haunome, supposedly a notary, but above all a rocker, Josette Moulin, the notorious local gossip, Aline, always awake, unable to dress properly, Jeff, the internet man, and Loulou of course! Ah Loulou the probably “streetwalker” (that what she says, but is-it true) as she says…

Meanwhile, Marie sells, sells, sells... Fortunately, Elodie takes good care of Germain, even if she needs to unwind by dressing up as Punk

 It must be said that Germain seems very stupid... Unless...

Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur final
Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur repetition
Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur suite
Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur theatre
Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur the author
Treasure of highway Jean Luc Pecqueur moovie

I would like to thank Dramagroups who very kindly offered to list me on their site... Thanks to them. You can visit them on:


and on Facebook


Given the numerous visits from non-French-speaking countries, I decided to make translations for certain texts... 

To contact me : woodyallogue@gmail.com