
  • Scientific computing, Tutorial/Practical class, 1st year of engineering school SeaTech (University of Toulon)

- 2017-2018: 20h

- 2018-2019: 40h

- 2019-2020: 40h

- Description: Numerical analysis, programming in Fortran 77 with Ubuntu, use of Gnuplot.

  1. Resolution on nonlinear equation (fixed-point method, Newton–Raphson method, ...)

  2. Polynomial interpolation (Lagrange polynomial, error formula, divided differences method, ...)

  3. Numerical integration (quadratures rules – left/right rectangle, trapezoidal, Simpson, error analysis, Gaussian quadrature, ...)

  4. Differential equations solving (multistep schemes, consistency, stability, convergence, applications, ...)

  5. Resolution of linear systems (finite difference methods, applications to EDP – Heat equation, ...)

  • Numerical matrix calculus, Tutorial/Practical class, 1st year of engineering school SeaTech (University of Toulon)

- 2018-2019: 24h

- 2019-2020: 24h

- Description: Numerical analysis, algorithm, programming with Matlab.

  1. Direct methods to resolve systems (LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition)

  2. Iterative methods to resolve systems (Jacobi method, Gauss–Seidel method, SOR method, matrix norms)

  3. Search of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Power and inverse iteration methods, deflation method)

  4. Resolution by Markov chain (random walk, Markov chain, Monte Carlo method)

  5. Numerical optimization without constraints and linear systems (gradient descent with a constant stepsize and optimal stepsize, conjugate gradient method)

  • Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, Lessons, PhD students (Czech Technical University in Prague)

- 2022: 8h

- Description: Theory, algorithm, programming with Matlab.

  1. To understand what are DG methods

  2. To know what it is possible to do with them

  3. To learn how to implement and use them

  4. Implementation of a 1D code for a linear convection-diffusion equation

  • Help for internship supervision

- 2021: Master 1 student, Control of meteomarine forcings on hydrodynamics of a coastal aquifer from Roussilon (France), FreeFem/Darcy's flow equation

- 2022: Master 1 student, Research on vocal chords modelling by Finite Element method, Finite Element method/Programming