Soft Materials & Devices Laboratory (SMDL)

단국대학교 연성 소재 및 소자 연구실

The Soft Materials & Devices Laboratory (SMDL) at Dankook University aims to develop (1) functional polymer materials, (2) semiconductor electronic devices and (3) bio-integrated soft electronics. We are also performing interdisciplinary, collaborative studies with other research groups who have various backgrounds: chemical engineering, electronic engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering and so on. Feel free to contact Prof. Junhwan Choi, if you have interest on our research and laboratory.

<We are recruiting!>

We are eagerly seeking to recruit self-motivated graduate & undergraduate students to join our research group.

All interested candidates send an e-mail to Prof. Junhwan Choi ( with brief introduction.

연성 소재 및 소자 연구실에서 함께 연구할 열정적인 대학원생 및 학부연구생을 모집하고 있습니다.

연구실에 관심 있으신 분들은 간단한 자기소개와 함께 로 연락주시길 바랍니다.

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