2021 Statistics

Launch Date 5/6/2021

Launch Time 9:39 a.m. (13:39 UTC)

Launch Site Berkeley Springs High School Courtyard

Launch Site Coordinates 39.61747 N, 78.23242 W

Burst Altitude 99,343 ft (18.81 miles)

Greatest Speed 155.6 mph

Coldest Temperature -49.5 F

Lowest Pressure 0.188 psi

Flight Time 1 hour 40 minutes

Landing Site 6.2 miles south of Gettysburg, PA on a Farm

Landing Site Coordinates 39.73129,-77.24781999999999 at 11:19 a.m. (15:39 UTC)

Distance to Landing Site from Berkeley Springs 53.0 miles

Driving Distance 69.4 miles

Driving Time 1 hour 22 minutes

The red dots represent data points. Every 2 minutes, the tracking device sent out a signal including GPS coordinates, speed, time, bearing, and altitude. The last data received occured when the balloon was at an altitude of 3993 feet.

The box landed softly (upright) in a field on a farm about six miles south of Gettysburg, PA.