Unit 9 covers the period when the United States and the Soviet Union engage in a war of words over global domination and in the meantime economic progress dominates American domestic policy, but deep down America suffers socioeconomic ills requiring further government intervention.

Unit 9 Readings

AMSCO Chapters 26, 27, 28

Brinkley Chapters 27, 28, 29, 30 (pgs. 834-849) 

Unit 9 Identifies (Classic)

(These are the assigned IDs for AAA APUSH)

APUSHR Unit 9 IDs (2018)

Unit 9 Identifies-Primary Source Analysis (ID-A)

APUSHR Unit 9 Identifies.pdf
APUSHR Primary Sources Period 8.pptx

Unit 9 PowerPoints

JB APUSH Unit 9A Post WWII America.pptx
JB APUSH Unit 9B Swinging Sixties.pptx

American History Timeline (1945-1968)