Rama Awakens, and Three Personalities?

The place that Rama was sent to is called Lower Realm. In that Lower realm, the planet that Rama was sent to through Space and Time formation is called Boundless and it was ten times bigger than Earth. It had only one continent and it was called Pure Land. The Boundless lands were all-together and not split apart like Earth but it didn’t have any specific shape and just like Earth around the land it was all big ocean. It also had some islands. It had fifty small states, thirty medium states, and one large state. Small states were around one million miles wide, medium states were one billion miles wide; a large state was one trillion miles wide.

A family called Invincible adopted Rama and they live in one of the small states. The state they lived in is called Peak of the Mountain. The Invincible family is one of the three well known powerhouses in that state; they control a large amount of lands, almost thirty percent of the state. Out of the thirty percent about ten percent the land is the city they own and live in and the city is also named after their last name because they are the overlords of the city. Other lands that are left consist of gold or spirit stones mines, farming, and jungles in the state of Peak of the Mountain.

This year Rama was ten years old and was sitting in his courtyard and he looked depressed. Rama wasn’t depressed because of the family that adopted him; in fact, Rama was really happy that he had a loving big brother, mother, and father. Rama looked depressed because he couldn’t learn any martial art technique. Whenever he tried to learn the martial art technique his head would start hurting like something was stopping him from learning the martial technique. His father Yuraj invited all kinds of doctors to check his body condition, but couldn’t find any cure for Rama. In this world, if you can’t learn the martial technique you are basically considered as a “cripple” and everyone will look down upon you in this world so that was why Rama was depressed.

Out of nowhere suddenly came a voice from behind Rama and said, “I can try to cure your illness. After all I have to learned the art of medicine.”

Rama got scared and jumped like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and took a fighting pose. When Rama turned around he saw a middle-age man.

Rama said, “Who are you? How did you get in here? What do you want?” He spoke with calm and composed voice but his heart was panicking. Still he didn’t let his emotion show on his face. Seeing his calm and composed face the middle-age man was surprised in his heart.

The middle-aged man said, “Who am I? You will know that in a minute. In this Lower Realm, nobody can stop me from going where I want. Even the Royal family of this realm are ants in front of me. Now that I have answered your question you have to answer one of my questions. What do you think about becoming my disciple?”

Rama was flabbergasted when he heard what the middle-aged man said. First of all the middle-age man was shameless. He hadn’t answered any of his questions. "And was he out of his mind? He must have heard that I can’t learn a martial art. So why does want me to be his disciple?"

Seeing his stupid and doubtful expression the middle-age man said, “You must be thinking why do I want you as my disciple? Right. Don’t think about unnecessary things. I have my own reasons for doing what I am doing. Now answer my question: Do you accept me as your master? And after you become my disciple I can cure your illness.”

As soon as Rama heard that he nodded and quickly kowtowed to his master. Middle-age man got happy when he saw Rama kowtow. Kowtowing to your master is a type of ritual that a disciple does when he accepts that man as a master.

The middle age man said, “My name is Jayson White and I go by the title of Heavenly White Tiger. Now let me feel your pulse to see what is wrong with your body.”

Rama moved his hand toward his master and when he felt his pulse White Tiger saw that there was a seal in his mind that was stopping the Qi from circulating throughout the body. If you can’t circulate the Qi it basically means that you can’t learn a martial art. Jayson did remove the seal but it took him some time. What happened after that shocked Jayson because Rama's personality took a 180-degree turn degree turn. He became evil and his body started to give off evil and destructive Qi and the next second he became like a god and started giving off righteous and creative Qi. Both personalities were constantly fighting to take over the body of Rama.

Inside Rama’s head, his memories of his past life and this life started to fuse. During the process of fusing his head was in so much pain, he felt like his head was about to explode right now but it didn’t and that process took a whole ten minutes. Right after his memories got done fusing he shouted, “Shut the hell up, both of you” and took back control of his body. He then fainted from fatigue; Jayson just kept on staring at the show that was happening.

Jayson said to himself, with a scared expression, “Did I just unleash a Devil and a God? God is supposed to be a good thing but what about the Devil?”

“Whatever happens we will see it in the future,” said Jayson with complicated emotions and then he left.

Before leaving he left a note for Rama. In the note Jayson wrote down his address of where he was living currently and also told him, "Come meet me tomorrow."

Author notes: This story is about Rama and his experience in the other world where he was reborn and his progress to reach immortality. This story is a remake of the original Ramayana where Rama gets born into a royal family. He gets taught the art of war, and the knowledge of the world, and then one day goes out with his teacher to experience different things around the world. He saves many people and also kills a lot of demons that are trying to hurt humans. Then he marries Sita and after he gets exiled from their kingdom by his own father because of his second mother. After that, Ravana kidnaps Sita because she was the most beautiful woman he had seen in the whole world and wanted to possess her. Rama then goes to save her and have a big war and finally Rama saves Sita and along the journey, he meets Hanuman, and other companions to fight alongside him.

In this part of the story I decided to make little changes. Vishvamitra was the master of Rama in his past life but in this new life Jayson will be the new master who is going to teach him about martial art and all about this world. I also decided to also give this story a little twist where Rama possesses three personalities which he can't control yet.

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Qi is like an energy you can feel it and control it. Example Dragon ball Z Kamehameha.

Here is the picture of White Tiger. Link