
Introduction to my Storybook. The main character of the story is Rama he died on the planet Earth. And crosses over to a different universe and retains all the memory past and the planet he is born on was hundred times bigger than the Earth and on that planet, everything depended on strength, where strong eats the weak. Rama wasn’t born normally but was born from three types of energy and they are the creation energy, preservation energy, and destruction energy. When he was born the whole world was in chaos because when he was born the world started creating a lot of stuff out of nowhere with creation energy such as humans, monsters, demons, and many more thing like fire, water, plants, etc. for eight hours non stop.

For another eight hours, the whole world started to give life to everything that the creation energy created with preserving energy. And in another eight hours, the world started destroying all the things that were created in the past sixteen hours until everything was destroyed. It was total chaos for twenty-four hours. Nobody knew what was happening but for some people they knew a triple Heavenly body has been born with the body of Creation, Destruction, and Preservation.

They knew that triple Heavenly bodies have been born because every time a body with a special characteristic is born the world will have that kind of phenomenon happen in the world. For example, if a body with Ice Attribute is born then the temperature of weather will go below minus hundred. It depends on how strong the body is, if the body is Heaven tier then phenomenon will affect the whole world, if it is only Earth tier then it will affect half the world but if it is Mortal tier then the phenomenon will affect just one million miles. But they don’t know that only one body was born and it has all the qualities of all three bodies and having a rare body will help you a lot when you learn a martial art. People learn martial art prolong their longevity to reach immortality. Rama having born with this body, he will have almost no problem being a genius at learning a martial art and he would have an easy time getting recruit into an organization that nurture genius and when those geniuses grow up they would protect the power if the organization are in danger.

In the unknown Higher realm in that universe... in unknown mansion... lies Rama who has just been born. As soon as he is born after thirty seconds his brain started hurting because the infant body couldn’t handle the memory that was coming to him. Then he heard a voice in his mind and it said, “Seal the Memory.” He did what it told him to do and he forgot everything and became a normal baby and his brain didn’t hurt anymore and went to sleep. As Rama went to sleep his parents were preparing a Teleportation formation to send him away. The mother of Rama said, “Do we really have to abandon him? he is just an infant how is he going to grow up and who is going to help him.” Then Rama's father said with a sad expression, “We have to send him away or his life will in danger in this cruel world if he stays here.” When she heard that she didn’t say anything and just looked at Rama with a caring expression.

When they finally prepared the Teleportation formation to send Rama away, Rama's mother started crying because she felt that ones he went away she would never see him again.

Rama's mother asks Rama's father while crying, “Where are we sending him?” Rama's father said to her, "In the Lower realm where he would be able to live his life peacefully.” They put Rama in the middle of the formation and his mother gave him a necklace for his protection and in that necklace, his name was written. Finally, they sent Rama away somewhere in the Lower realm where nobody can find him especially their enemies.

In unknown jungle under the tree lays an infant. He is precisely the Rama who just been born but abandoned by their parents because of special reasons and he came to this unknown jungle through Teleportation formation. After an hour the infant got hungry so woke up and started crying but nobody was there to give food to the infant. Then suddenly there was movement around him; it was from the bush beside the lake. It wasn’t a human in the bush but a monster.

Here is the picture of Rama with his mother. Source