Ms. Erica Gambao's Presentation          May 13, 2024

On  this day, we had a flight attendant come into our class to talk to us about what it's like to be a flight attendant. I was fun to to learn about what she does on a daily basis and what you would expect if you were to apply to be a flight attendant. One thing she told us that really amazed me is that she visited sooo many places that she couldn't keep track of it. I was also impressed by how professional she looked like in her uniform. When she came in we started off by introducing ourselves and then we went straight into the topic.

What I learned from her is that you would have to go through a intense 7 week training. It's almost like school because you get to do home works and lectures. But one thing that they do often is hands on training and learning about safety because a flight attendance #1 priority is the passengers safety. I also learned that there are two types of flight attendance and that is line holders and reserved. I also learned that for the United airlines, their shift starts once the airplane door is closed. And another thing that I am glad she told us is to never drink the hot- water in the aircraft because they never cleaned it. I was very excited when I heard that there was going to be a flight attendant coming into our class to talk to us and I hope to see more people coming in to talk to us in the future.

                    Ms. Nadine Presentation               May 09, 2024

On this day, we had a person come into our class to talk/ teach us about employment skills that person was Ms. Nadine. She was very sweet and very kind. She even bought us chips and Hilton goodies. What she taught us was very helpful because I was thinking about applying for a part time job as soon as I  turn 16 yrs old. 

I learned a lot from what she presented to us. I also learned a few tips and tricks on what I can do when I'm filling out a resume or getting interviewed. I learned that the first thing you do when filling out a resume is to look over it. When she asked us, " if there were 15 people in a room and there was only one pen, what would you do?" I was shocked to learn that giving that pen away is basically you giving away your chances of getting hired. I  am looking forward to hearing/ learning about something new from a new presenter. 

              Four Season Hotel and Resort              May 1, 2024

From this article, I learned about about Mr. Sharp and what he wanted for his hotel. He was the first to introduce amenities like shampoo, bathrobes, etc, to hotel rooms. He also introduced room service which is now known as in- room dining. He also focused on medium sized rooms with out- standing service. He didn't really cared about what his hotel looks like, he mostly cares about the services that his hotel will provide. Mr. Sharp lives by the golden rule which is to treat others the way you want to be treated. He looks for workers who has great body posture, people who can maintain eye contact, etc. 

    I was surprised to learn that the reason why his hotel is really well known is because of his excellent service. I thought that the reason why his prices were really expensive is because of how fancy his hotel was but I was wrong. Reading this article can make you realize that the service you provide is just as important as the way your hotel look, maybe even more important.

                     Profesional Dress Day               Jan 11, 2024   

Professional dress day is a day that we dress up as professionals to feel like what it's like to dress up as business women and men. Dressing up as professionals can help us practice the art of style and get some interesting clothes that fit well on our body and it can make us look sharp. What I did to achieve this is that I went to the mall with my mom to look for the clothes I needed for this. I had to try on about 5-6 different pants, 3-4 different blouses, and I also had to look for blazers that would fit me. My mom and I was at the mall for about 3 hours trying to look for clothes that would fit my body.

At first, I didn't really feel excited and confident about professional dress day. But when I was trying on the clothes in the dressing room, I actually started feeling more confident and excited that after I went home, I tried on the clothes again and again. I was looking forward to wearing the attire because I liked how it made me look sharp and like a business woman. When the day came, I got up early just to get ready. I WILL be looking foward to doing this again next semester. 

       CTE Counselor, Ms. Oliveros, presentation    Nov 16, 2023    

 I  learned that CTE means Career Technical Education and  it is a program that teaches you the skills you need to begin your career. CTE is for everyone and it gives you both academic and career skills as well as a chance to explore careers for free. I also learned that Decaps gives you free college credits and how to get a mastery or completion certificate.

I was surprised  and glad that she came to us and presented. I am glad she presented because it made me realize how I can start preparing myself for my future education and what I need to do to in order to pass high school. I was also surprised to learned that we can get half days in senior years if I continue to stay in GCC and keep track of our credits. As a result of her presentation, it made me realize what I needed to change and what I needed to do about my education.