Projects & Research


FureAI: An Implentation of an Elders'Living Support System based on Social Conversational Agents and Smart Activity Monitoring

This project aims to develop a unique activity monitoring system that can monitor the social and physical activities of the aging people in a cost-effective and non-intrusive way, by using NILM and conversational AI agents of social connectivity. With these outstanding features, it has the potential of widespread usage, compared to its existing competitors. The extended GRTHealth system will safeguard seniors with living independence and comfortability, to achieve age in place with dignity while reducing the cost and demands placed upon the healthcare system.

Funding Agency: Japan (JST)/ Canada (NRC) Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SCORP)

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

(June 2023-March 2024)

An IBIS-Focused Diverse Facilitation Timeline for Online Discussion

This study aims to proposed a new timeline discussion flow based on IBIS elment phases while conducting case studies to validate the appraoche acceptance.

Funding Agency: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - AIP Challenge Program 2023

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

(June 2022-March 2023)

A Facilitator who 'Does Not See Color': Exploratory Data Analysis of Civic Discourse Using Conversational AI with a Focus on Russia and Ukraine

This study aims to understand better how humans interact with a conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agent focusing on Russian and Ukrainian.

Funding Agency: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - AIP Challenge Program 2022

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

(April 2023- March 2027)

From designing adaptive facilitation threshold to summarization timeline based on IBIS: Democratizing discussion in online education conversation

Funding Agency:  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career Scientist) 

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

(Sept 2022- Dec 2023)

A large-scale labelled English dataset for Machine learning: Case of Issue-based Information System

Funding Agency:  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career Scientist)  & Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)


Selecting a quality paper based on conference attendees' collective decision: Case of an international conference

The aim was to select quality paper based on collective decision of conference attendees.

Funding Agency:  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST (member)

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)


The Effects of Competitors on Crowd Engagement in Incentivized Municipal Idea Contest Project

In this paper, we examined the effects of competitors (author of quality opinion) on crowd engagement in online community. We found that author of quality opinions can play key roles in facilitating crowd engagement and promote their group member participation. This indicates that individuals with good opinion can incentivize other people learning and contribution. This is in line with Albert Bandura's social learning theory (SLT) suggests that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating the behavior of others.

Funding Agency:  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST (member)

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)


Promoting Urban Dialogue for SDGs Good through AI-based DiscussionSupport System in Afghanistan

This study aims to understand better how co-human-AI could enhance digital civic participation in line with SDGs promotion.

Funding Agency:  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - AIP Challenge Program 2020

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)


Insights from a Large-Scale Discussion on COVID-19 in Collective Intelligence.

This study aims to understand better how co-human-AI could enhance digital civic participation in line with pandemic prvention through informed policy-making.

Funding Agency:  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST (member)

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Recruitment Script (TBD)

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

Please watch Research Deployment Demo Video


Talent-Spotting in Online Deliberative Crowdsourcing Initiative

This project focused on the problem of managing crowdsourced deliberation, with the aim of partitioning deliberation among a set of moderated democratic techniques over multiple sessions of deliberation in idea contest. 

Funding Agency:  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST (member)

Principle Investigator (PI)/ Collaborators:

Research Product (TBD)

Final Report (TBD)

Please watch Research Deployment Demo Video