Jawad Haqbeen

Program-Specific Assistant Professor (特定助教)

Graduate School of Informatics

Kyoto University

Room: 206, Research Building No.9 (A), Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501

(Japanese: 京都市左京区吉田本町京都大学 総合研究9号館A棟 206室)

Email: jawad.haqbeen [at] i [dot] kyoto-u [dot] ac [dot] jp

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I am a Program-Specific Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University. I am part of the Consensus Informatics Group, and work on experimental foundations of conversational artificial intelligence.

I pursue a multidisciplinary approach (Social & software agents) to understand the role of information and needs of users to shape the design of civic systems. I’m particularly interested in the impact of digitalization and algorithmification of society on communities. I apply a mix of qualitative (social insights, user perceptions) and quantitive (usage logs, activity metrics) methods to understand how software agent interact with social agent and how to improve their social presence through designing new digital artefact.

My early work explored on how digital social system can be used to support collaborative planning, where specifically I targeted AI-assisted collaborative city planning in least developed countries such as Afghanistan. I have co-authored with colleagues from a variety of disciplines including computer science, information system, education, engineering, public health, social science and open to future collaborations.

I earned my PhD at Nagoya Institute of Technology, where I was co-advised by Takayuki Ito and  Shohei Kato.  Before moving to Japan, I taught Computer Science at Alberoni University.

Job Vacancy: I am hiring Research & Office Assistant(s). If you are interested to work in my project or collaborate with me or just have a chat, you may reach me at jawad.haqbeen(ατ)i.kyoto-u.ac.jp

News 😀


[2024/05/12] As a Track Chair, organized the 1st Track on Digital Democracy & AI at 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2024), National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan.

[2024/05/01] Our proposal "The 5th International Workshop on Democracy & AI" has been accepted at PRICAI 2024, Japan. Looking forward to your submissions.

[2024/05/01] A co-authored paper has been accepted at ACM CI 2024, USA.

[2024/03/09 & 19] Two papers has been accepted at DGO 2024, Taipei, Taiwan. 

[2024/03/06] One co-authored paper has been accepted at Communications Psychology  (Nature Portfolio).

[2024/03/3-4] Attended and presented at JST AIP Challenge 2023 Debrief Conference in Tokyo, Japan.

[2024/02/21] Attended and presented at 4th Consensus and Co-Creation Study Group in Hokkaido, Japan.


[2023/12/23] Invited to serve as Local Arrangement Co-Chair at The 21st Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence  (PRICAI 2024), Kyoto, Japan.

[2023/12/23] Invited to serve as Local Arrangement Co-Chair at The 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2024), Kyoto, Japan.

[2023/12/07] One co-authored paper has been accepted at IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems.

[2023/12/04-06] As a Local Arrangement Chair, organized the 7th IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA2023), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

[2023/11/29] Attended and moderated the Kick-off meeting of Japan-Canada SICORP International Consortium Project (online).

[2023/11/25-26] Attended CREST Research Area 2023 Conference (CREST 信頼される AI システム 2023 年度領域会議) and give a talk and poster presentation on my AIP Challenge Program project An IBIS-Focused Diverse Facilitation Timeline for Online Discussion", Cross Wave Makuhari, Chiba, Japan.

[2023/11/22] Invited to give a talk on "Conversational AI for Participatory Democracy" at Prof. Uwe SERDÜELT Seminar, College of Information Science and Engineering, Biwako-Kusatsu Campus (BKC) of Ritsumeikan University in Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan.

[2023/12/16] As a Co-chair and Organizing Committee member (primary contact), organized the  3rd International Workshop on Democracy and AI in conjunction with PRICAI2023, Jakarta, Indonesia.

[2023/10/8-12] Attended the IGF (Internet Governance Forum) 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.

[2023/09/22] Our paper "A Digital Initiative to Address Girls Education Challenges in Collaboration with NPO in Post-2021 Afghanistan" has been selected as Excellent Paper Award at KICSS 2023, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan.

[2023/09/03] Two papers and two co-authored papers been accepted by KICSS 2023.

[2023/08/23] Our track proposal " Digital Democracy & AI" has been accepted at DGO 2024, Taiwan. Looking forward to discussing new emerging technologies that improve democratic inclusion!

[2023/08/23] One co-authored paper has been accepted at Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio).

[2023/07/20]  Our paper has been selected for JSAI Annual Conference Award by JSAI board meeting. (人工知能学会全国大会優秀発表賞を受賞しました。)

☞ July`23:  Our paper is nominated for Best Poster Award Nomination (Top 3, got third position based on number of received votes) at DG.O 2023.

July`23:  Our Japan (JST)/ Canada (NRC) Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SCORP)  International Consortium Project Proposal "FureAI: An Implentation of an Elders'Living Support System based on Social Conversational Agents and Smart Activity Monitoring" is accepted at Japan-Canada SICORP. My role was primary contact and registered project member on Japanese team side.

☞ June`23:  Our paper "Facilitating Discussion Element-specific Problem-solving Conversations using Conversational Agent: Case of IBIS" is nominated for Best Paper Award Nomination (Top 4) at GDN 2023,  Tokyo, Japan.

☞ June`23:  Our paper "The Moderating Role of AI-Assisted Online Discussion Forums in Promoting Social Solidarity During Crisis: A Preliminary Analysis" is accepted at DemocrAI workshop which is going to be held in conjunction with IJCAI-24,  Macao, S.A.R. See you in Macau from August 19th-25th, 2023.

      ☞ May`23: Invited to serve as Program Committee for The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24 ),  February 20-27, 2024 | Vancouver, Canada 

May`23: My proposal “An IBIS-Focused Diverse Facilitation Timeline for Online Discussion" is accepted for grant of JST AIP Challenge 2023 Program at  AIP Network Laboratory of JST, Japan.

       ☞ May`23: I am serving as Co-Chair and  Organizing Committee member (primary contact) of  3rd International Workshop on Democracy and AI (DemocrAI 2023a), Jakarta,Indonesia. Submissions are welcome!

       ☞ Apr`23: Invited to serve as session chair at the  18th Annual  Midwest United States Association for Information Systems (MWAIS) Conference  (MWAIS 2023),  Saint Paul, MN, USA.

☞ Apr`23:  Our paper "Facilitating the problems that lie within the solutions using Conversational AI: A Case Study of Post-2021 Afghanistan" is accepted by DG.O 2023, Gdansk, Poland. 

☞ Apr`23:  Our paper "In Solidarity with Ukraine through Conversational AI via Facebook Ads: A Case Study of Online Discussion in 15 Countries" is accepted by DG.O 2023, Gdansk, Poland. 

☞ Apr`23:  Our paper "Crowd-Selected “Quality Paper”: Selecting a Quality Paper based on Conference Attendees’s Decision using Conversational AI Platform" is accepted by GDN 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

      ☞ Apr`23:  Our The 3rd International Workshop on Democracy and AI proposal has been accepted at PRICAI2023, Jakarta, Indonesia. Looking forward to discussing new emerging technologies that improve democratic inclusion!

☞ Apr`23:  Our paper "Facilitating Discussion Element-specific Problem-solving Conversations using Conversational Agent: Case of IBIS" is accepted by GDN 2023,  Tokyo, Japan.

      ☞ Mar`23:  Attended JST AIP Challenge 2022 Debrief Conference  and give a talk and poster presentation on my AIP project Exploratory data analysis of Russian and Ukrainian opinions on Russian Invasion of Ukraine using Agent Technology", Chiba, Japan.

Mar`23:  Our paper "A Large-scale Labeled English Text Datasets for Machine Learning: Case of Issue-based Information System" is accepted by JSAI 2023,  Kumamoto, Japan.

☞ Mar`23:  Our paper "Talent-Spotting in Online Deliberative Crowdsourcing Initiative: Case of Afghanistan’s first ever Internet-based Idea Competition on Solid Waste Management" is accepted by JSAI 2023,  Kumamoto, Japan.

  Feb`23: Invited to serve as Program Vice Co-Chair at the  The 18th  International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2023), Kitakyushu, Japan.

    ☞ Feb`23: I just secured my 1st Kakenhi. My proposal has been awarded for "Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists" by JSPS. It is going to be an exciting four years (2023-2027) coming ahead.

       ☞ Jan`23: Invited to serve as program committee at the  2nd International Workshop on Democracy and AI (DemocrAI 2023), Macao, S.A.R

       Jan`23: Invited to serve as Local Arrangement Chair at the  The 7th International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA2023), Kyoto, Japan.


      ☞ Dec`22: I was invited to talk about "Development and Application of System to Improve Online Discussions" at the   International Conference On Intelligent Computing And Next Generation Networks (ICNGN2022), China

Dec'22: Attended “Collective Intelligence Symposium 10" held at Social Informatics Department, Kyoto.

Nov'22: Attended “Towards Human Augmentation and Trustworthy AI with Ethical Design" Seminar held at JST Tokyo Headquarters, Tokyo.

☞ [November 2022] I was invited to talk about "The impact of AI-based civic platform on facilitating crowd intelligence for social good" at the First International Workshop on Democracy and AI 

☞ [October 2022] Attended JST Science Agora 2022 and give a talk on the "Role of AI technology on facilitating collective intelligence for smart city".

☞ [June 2022] Our tutorial proposal "Agent-based Discussion Platforms: Foundations, Development, and Social Applications" has been accepted at PRIMA, 2022.

☞ [June 2022] Our AI video “HyperDemocracy : Large-scale Consensus Support Platform based on Social Multiagent Systems”is accepted and nominated for the most beneficial video for society award at IJCIA/ECAI , 2022.

☞ [June 2022] My proposal “Exploratory data analysis of Russian and Ukrainian opinions on Russian Invasion of Ukraine using Agent Technology" is accepted at JST AIP Challenge Program, 2022.

☞ [May 2022] Attended “Trusted AI”: Young researchers’ Workshop 2022 held at JST Tokyo Headquarters, Tokyo.

☞ [Apr 2022] Our paper "How did discourse shift among Afghan citizens during the fall of the republic: Early insights using conversational AI platform" is accepted by DGO 2022.

☞ [Apr 2022] Our case study "D-Agree - An AI-based solution to support participatory urban planning" is being featured in the Regional Commissions report on the progress on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda (2019-2022) by United Nations.

☞ [Apr 2022] In April 2022, I joined the Department of Social Informatics at the Kyoto University. Feel free to visit Kyoto  and contact me.

☞ [Mar 2022] Our case study "D-Agree - An AI-based solution to support participatory urban planning" is published by 2nd Regional Partners Forum (@Quito+5) which jointly convened by ESCAP, UN-Habitat and the Penang Platform for Sustainable Urbanization. [Link]

☞ [Mar 2022] Turned in my Ph.D. life and graduated from Department of Computer Science at the Nagoya Institute of Technology!

☞ [Feb 2022] I just defended my dissertation successfully at the Nagoya Institute of Technology!

☞ [Feb 2022] Our paper "Evaluating Rank-Coherence among AI-enabled Ranking, Expert Rating and Crowd Voting for Selecting Winners in Incentivized Large-scale Idea Contest for Creative Works" is accepted by JSAI 2022.

☞ [Feb 2022] I did an interview about AI for Social Good in Afghanistan on NHK World!

Contact 🤔

Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University

Email (office): jawad.haqbeen[at] i.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Email (private): jawad.haqbeen [at] outlook.com

Phone (office): +81(075)-753-4820

Address (office): Research Building No.7 Room 423, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

Applications of Our Research 🧐

How to login: Demo Video for Discussion League in Kabul City (Farsi)


Kabul City (2019-2021)
Afg Capital Region (2019-2020) 
ANPHI (2020-2021)

MUDL (2021-2021)

Kandahar City (2021-2021)

IEAF (2021~)

APJO (2022~)