I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Management from the University of Zaragoza in Spain, and a Master in Economics and a Ph.D. in Management from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. I have visited Purdue University in the USA, INSEAD Business School in France, and Durham University in the UK, for research purposes.
My teaching and research activities focus on the field of marketing. I teach courses at the doctoral, master's, and bachelor's levels. I have also conducted short courses at several universities in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
In my early years as a researcher, I analyzed household purchase behavior, how manufacturers and retailers should adapt their marketing strategies to a multichannel online-offline structure, and how multichannel consumers behave. In recent years, my research has been focused on understanding the impact of new technologies, especially digitalization, on the interactions between firms and consumers in the marketplace. This research has been published in leading international journals such as the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Science, and Journal of Interactive Marketing, among others.
Regarding R&D programs management, I have been a member of the Evaluation Commission for projects of the State Research Agency in the area of Economy of the National R&D&i Plan between 2021 and 2023, and since 2023 Manager of the area of Economy, Business, and Finance of the Coordination, Evaluation, and Scientific Monitoring Division of the State Research Agency.
Address: Edificio Los Madroños, Of. 07, Campus Arrosadia, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 31006 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948169736 | cebollada@unavarra.es | www.javiercebollada.info | University Web Page (EN)
I teach Marketing Management I and II (Bachelor), Marketing Analytics and International Marketing (Master)
Research Articles
Alzate, M., Arce, M., & Cebollada, J. (2024). Is review visibility fostering helpfulness votes? Understanding the role of review rank and review characteristics in the adoption of online reviews' information, ahead-of-print. Computers in Human Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.108088
Cai X., Cebollada, J. and Cortiñas, M. (2023). Impact of seller- and buyer-created content on product sales in the electronic commerce platform: the role of informativeness, readability, multimedia richness, and extreme valence. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.103141
Alzate, M., Arce-Urriza, M., & Cebollada, J. (2022). Mining the Text of Online Consumer Reviews to Analyze Brand Image and Brand Positioning. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.102989
Cai X., Cebollada, J. and Cortiñas, M. (2022) A grounded theory approach to understanding in-game goods purchase. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262998. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262998
Cai, X., Cebollada, J., & Cortiñas, M. (2022). From traditional gaming to mobile gaming: Video game players’ switching behaviour. Entertainment Computing, 40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2021.100445
Cai, X., Cebollada, J., & Cortiñas Ugalde, M. (2022). Self-report measure of dispositional flow experience in the video game context: Conceptualisation and scale development. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 159, 102746. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.IJHCS.2021.102746
Alzate, M., Arce-Urriza, M., & Cebollada, J. (2021). What are consumers saying online about your products? Mining the text of online reviews to uncover hidden features. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing, 9, 44–61.
Alzate, M., Arce-Urriza, M., & Cebollada, J. (2021). Online Reviews and Product Sales: The Role of Review Visibility. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 2021, Vol. 16, Pages 638-669, 16(4), 638–669. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer16040038
Cebollada, J., Chu, Y., & Jiang, Z. (2019). Online Category Pricing at a Multichannel Grocery Retailer. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 46, 52–69. Artículo
Arce-Urriza, M., Cebollada, J. y Tarira, M.F. (2017) The effect of price promotions on consumer shopping behavior across online and offline channels: differences between frequent and non-frequent shoppers. Information Systems and e-Business Management. 15(1), 69-87. (Resumen | Texto completo Revista)
Arce-Urriza, M., y Cebollada, J. (2012). Private labels and national brands across online and offline channels. Management Decision, 50(10), 1772-1789.
Chintagunta, P.K., Chu, J. y Cebollada, J. (2012), Quantifying Transaction Costs in Online / Offline Grocery Channel Choice, Marketing Science, January/February, 31 (1), 96-114.
Arce-Urriza, M., y Cebollada-Calvo, J. J. (2011). Una comparación del comportamiento del consumidor en los canales online y offline: sensibilidad al precio, lealtad de marca y efecto de las características del producto, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 14(2), 102-111.
Chu, J., Arce-Urriza, M., Cebollada-Calvo, J. J., y Chintagunta, P. K. (2010). An empirical analysis of shopping behavior across online and offline channels for grocery products: the moderating effects of household and product characteristics. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(4), 251-268.
Arce-Urriza, M., y Cebollada, J. J. (2010). Un estudio teórico del potencial de Internet como canal de compra. Esic Market, (135), 181-214.
Chu, J., Chintagunta, P., y Cebollada, J. (2008). A Comparison of Within-Household Price Sensitivity Across Online and Offline Channels. Marketing Science, 27(2), 283-299.
Awards and Honors Received
Research Award in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, and Economics for the best scientific contribution made during the year 2012 at the Public University of Navarre, 2013.
Best Research Article Award on Distribution published in 2012, by the Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK) and the Spanish Association of Retailers, Self-service, and Supermarkets (Asedas), 2013.
Finalist: Best Article Published in 2011 in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2011.
Best Marketing Research Article Award published in 2008, awarded by the Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK), 2009.
Finalist: Spanish Renowned Brands Forum Award for the best article on branding, awarded by the Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK) and the Spanish Renowned Brands Forum, 2005.
Best Paper Award presented at the Sixth Biannual World Business Congress (South Korea), 1997.
Coordinator of the PhD Program "Doctorate Program in Economics, Management, and Organization," joint program between Public University of Navarre, Autonomous University of Barcelona, and University of the Balearic Islands. (9/2023-)
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Business Economics at the Department of Business Management, UPNA, 1999/2000.
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Advanced Management Systems in Business at the Department of Business Management, UPNA, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001.
Deputy Director of the Department of Business Management at the Public University of Navarre, 09/2012-04/2016.
Coordinator of International Relations for the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management, 2001-2010.
Coordinator of the Erasmus-Socrates Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, 1999-2001.
Academic Director, Master of International Trade, Joint Program between Guandong University of Foreign Studies (China) and the Public University of Navarre, 2009-2012.
Academic Director, Master in International Trade Management, Public University of Navarre, 2005-2022.
Member of the Doctoral Commission at the Department of Business Management, 1998-2007.
Member of the Quality Commission for the PhD Program in Economics, Business, and Law, Public University of Navarre, Starting date: 2013-2022.
Research projects evaluator: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014)
Reviewer for the National R&D&i Plan at the Spanish Research Agency (2000-present).
Member of the Evaluation Committee for projects in the National R&D&i Plan at the Spanish Research Agency (Committee for Economics and Business, Subarea of Business and Finance) (2022, 2023).
Panel member at the Spanish Research Agency (Committee for Economics and Business, Subarea of Business and Finance) (2023-).
External evaluator for promotion to Professor Bond 2, Durham University, United Kingdom, 2024.
Reviewer for scientific journals: Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Retailing, Electronic Commerce Research, Psychology and Marketing, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Management Decision, Research in Transportation Economics, Challenges, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Business Research Quarterly (formerly Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresas), Revista de Economía Aplicada, etc.
Evaluator of conference papers: American Marketing Association Conferences, Marketing Science Conference, European Marketing Acadeny Conference (EMAC), Congress of the Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK), Congress of the Association of Marketing Professors, Scientific Association of Economics and Marketing Management the Company (ACEDE), etc.
El próximo rector de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (25/3/2023) Diario de Navarra
Los fondos Next Generation, un arma contra el 'greenwashing' (24/3/2021) Mención en Navarra Capital, Colaboración
Internacionalización en red: siguiendo a clientes internacionales (21/9/2020) Negocios de Navarra
¿Y por qué no desescalar pensando también en los grupos de edad? (6/5/2020) The Conversation. Republicado en: HuffPost, HuffPost España, Flipboard, León Noticias, La Rioja (España), El Norte de Castilla, News Republic, La Verdad (Murcia, España), El Comercio (Gijón)
El consumo en la epidemia de la COVID-19 (17/4/2020) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas. Publicado en Diario de Navarra el 27/4/2020 y en Traductor de Ciencia el 29/5/2020
La tienda de la esquina (5 de feb. de 2020) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Alexio, compra comida para el perro (23 de oct. de 2019) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
El disputado voto del Sr. Cayo (15/4/2019) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas. Publicado en Diario de Navarra el 17/4/2019
Malgastar (6 de feb. de 2019) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Y el precio especial para ti es… (30 de oct. de 2018) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
El último profesor (24 de abr. de 2018) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
¿Boicot al "Made in Catalonia"? (24 de Marzo de 2018) Publicado en Diario de Navarra el 13/3/2018
Boicot al “Made in Catalonia” (2/2) (7 de feb. de 2018) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Boicot al “Made in Catalonia” (1/2) (8 de nov. de 2017) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Cooperar para vender en el exterior (22/9/2017) Mención en Navarra Capital a las Jornadas de Internacionalización en la UPNA
Competitividad: del país a la empresa (14 de jun. de 2017) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Mercados personalizados (4 de abr. de 2017) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Buenos días, don José, ¿cómo están sus nietos? (24 de ene. de 2017) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Quiero conquistar tu corazón (11 de oct. de 2016) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Universitas Hispaniensis Dormitus Et Captus Est (14 de jun. de 2016) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Yo ya compro en Internet. ¿Y tú? (5 de abr. de 2016) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
¡Gratis! (17 de nov. de 2015) Blog De qué vais? #LosEconomistas
Entrevista en Radio Boyacá (Colombia) 2013
Doctoral Dissertations Supervised
Mara Arce-Urriza (co-supervised with Pradeep Chintagunta, U. Chicago): Some Issues about Consumer Shopping Decisions in Online Grocery Stores with Panel Data (17/6/2009)
Xiaowei Cai (co-supervised with Mónica Cortiñas): Video game marketing: Players’ platform switching, in-game goods purchase, and flow experience (9/6/2022)
Miriam Alzate (co-supervised with Marta Arce-Urriza): Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) and Marketing Implications (15/12/2021). 2022 Asociación Española de Marketing - AEMARK, Best Doctoral Dissertation Award)
In progress:
Yutong Tiang (co-supervised with Oscar Martin-Martin): A research on digital marketing and internationalization