Things you should know about a career in Java?

What is Java?

Java is a popular programming language, created in 1995. It is owned by Oracle, and more than 3 billion devices run Java. Java is a programming language and computing platform that was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are a lot of apps and websites that won’t work until you install Java, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Uses of Java

  • Mobile application
  • Desktop applications
  • Web Application
  • Web server and app server
  • Games
  • Database connections

A Career in Java – Introduction

As of 2018, there are plenty of opportunities for Java programmers. With an estimated growth rate of 19 percent for the 2014-2024 period (according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for all app programming), the career in Java programmers is excellent.

Java is everywhere, in laptops, scientific supercomputers, gaming consoles, mobile phones, etc., it is cited that there are 9 million Java developers in the world. It gives you insight into the demand and development of Java in future software development.

It’s still the most comprehensive platform, whether you want to use it to develop smart card apps, mobile apps or server-side enterprise apps.

Java is not only easy to learn, but it is designed in such a way that it is easier to use than other programming languages, easy to write, compile, debug and learn. It also allows you to create reusable code and modular programs.

Some of the different areas where Java is used are as follows

  • Financial services: It is used in server-side applications.
  • Big Data: The outline of Hadoop MapReduce is written using Java.
  • Banking: To deal with transaction management.
  • Stock Market: To write algorithms about which company they should invest in.
  • Retail: Billing applications that you see in a store/restaurant are completely written in Java.
  • Android: Apps are either written in Java or use the Java API.
  • Scientific and research community: how to deal with large amounts of data

Features of Java Programming


Java is a safe language because there are no explicit pointers used and all the programs are run inside the sandbox to protect them from any untrusted sources. Java develops a virus-free system and converts all code into bytecodes that are not read easily readable by humans.


The key feature of Java is its portability because it can run on all operating systems without any dependency. Java is platform-free which means that any application written on one platform can be easily run to another platform.


Java’s robust memory management system helps to correct errors by checking codes during run time. Java programming is robust because it fully takes care of memory allocation and release.


All tasks in Java are done using objects. Java is thus an object-oriented programming language. All these things have some behavior. Therefore, it is the most commonly used language because it supports the concepts of OOPs.

Therefore, the above are some of the important features or services that are provided to industry programmers by Java programming language vendors.

Example of a career in Java

As a career for Java developers/programmers, anyone can consider the following job roles.

  • Web developer
  • Application developer
  • EJB programmer
  • Software developer
  • Tester
  • Graphic designer
  • A professional teacher in Java

If you need any kind of help with Java programming then you can come to us at Java Assignment Help. We are available 24/7 for your help. Get instant help now!