How do I improve my coding skills in C programming?

Here in this article, our Java Assignment Help experts will explain to improve your coding skills in C Programming.

What is C Programming?

C is a general-purpose programming language that is very popular, simple and flexible. It is a machine-independent, structured programming language widely used in many applications.

C is a basics language for writing everything from the operating system (Windows and many others) for complex programs like Oracle databases, Git, Python interpreters and more.

History of C Language

In 1972, Dennis Ritchie, a great computer scientist, created a new programming language in bell laboratories called ‘C’. It was built from ‘ALGOL’, BCPL and ‘B’ programming languages. The ‘C’ programming language has all the features of these languages and many additional concepts that make it unique from other languages.

Features of C language

  • It is a strong language with rich sets of built-in functions and operators that can be used to write any complicated program.
  • The C compiler combines the capabilities of an assembly language with the characteristics of a high-level language.
  • Programs written in C are efficient and fast. This is due to the data type and the quality of powerful operators.
  • It is several times faster than BASIC.
  • Another important feature of the C program, its ability to expand itself.
  • The C program is a collection of tasks that are supported by the C library.
  • C language is the most used language in the operating system and embedded system development today.

Advantages of C

  • C is a building block for many other programming languages.
  • Programs written in C are highly portable.
  • There are many standard functions (such as in-built) that can be used to develop programs.
  • C programs are collections of C Library Functions, and it’s also easy to add functions to the C library.
  • Modular structure code makes debugging, maintenance and testing easier.

Disadvantages of C

  • The C object does not provide an oriented programming (OOP) concept.
  • C has no concept of Namespace.
  • C does not provide binding or wrapping of data in a single unit.
  • C does not provide constructors and Destructor.

A simple example of C Programming

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


/* Our first simple C basic program */

printf(“Hello World! “);


return 0;



Hello World!

It is a very simple and basic program in the c programming language. This C program in the output window displays “Hello World!”. Additionally, each statement has a semicolon (;) Should be finished with a statement terminator.

Learning C by using Linux system

The best way to learn C is to have access to the Linux machine. Linux (or Unix) is the best platform to learn C programming.

If you have a PC (running Windows OS) and an internet connection, you can log into the Linux system. This is the easiest way to get Linux systems, provided you have an Internet connection.

Levels in Learning C Programming

C language can be learned at different levels. At a higher level, one can try more complex programs.

Level 1

At this stage, one should learn to write a simple program that contains only one function that is the main task.

The main task can contain the following types of statements in the following sequence.

  • Variable declaration statements
  • Input statements to accept values from the user
  • Processing statements to compute the output
  • Output statements to display the computed output.

In the main task, practice the use of the following statements:

  • If
  • If-else
  • If-else, If-else if-else if else
  • Switch
  • For loop
  • While loop
  • Do while loop
  • Break and continue statements

Use the following varieties of variables in the main function:

  • Char, short, int and float
  • Arrays of above types
  • Structure variables

Also practice the use of all arithmetic operators, logical operators, conditional operators, and bitwise operators.

Level 2

  • Writing a function to perform processing. And call the function from the main function to perform processing. So the main task includes the following statements:
  • Variable declaration statements
  • Input statements to allow variable values from the user
  • Calling the function by passing input arguments and generating output
  • Output statements to represent the output returned by the function

Level 3

  • Write programs that contain various functions.
  • Use both types of variables local variables and global variables and understand the difference between them.
  • Use the pointer variable and use them
  • Know the difference between static allocation of memory and dynamic memory allocation and use both of them.
  • Understand the role of pointers in dynamic memory allocation
  • Use various standard I/O library functions

Level 4

  • Create the programs that contain multiple functions distributed in multiple C files
  • Practice about linked lists
  • Practice sort algorithms

If you need any kind of C Programming Help then come to us. Our java assignment help experts are always available 24/7 for your help.