If you enjoy it, you might also want to come to my 2-part concurreny class (this coming Monday 3rd & Monday 10th) - -events/java-concurrency-in-2-weeks/0636920087672/ - you need an O'Reilly subscription, but you can get a free trial. The 2nd part is Advanced Concurrency, including Virtual Threads & related topics.

Collection, Set, List, Map, SortedSet, and SortedMap are all interfaces, but the java.util package also defines various concrete implementations, such as lists based on arrays and linked lists, and maps and sets based on hash tables or binary trees. Other important interfaces are Iterator and Iterable, which allow you to loop through the objects in a collection, as we will see later on.

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An interface with a single abstract method (i.e. which is not static or default) is called a functional interface, since it is essentially an abstract definition of a function. Standard examples are Runnable, Callable, ActionListener, and Comparator. The new package java.util.function introduces more standard functional interfaces like Predicate, Function, and Consumer. 2351a5e196

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