Searching files is usually a function provided by the Operating System. Does the Windows 10 file manager have the tool you are looking for? If not, I suggest checking the MajorGeeks website for an enhanced file manager to do this.

I've recently moved from Sharefile Sync (local and cloud storage) to Citrix Files (cloud storage) and can no longer search Finder and have it produce any results. It just spins endlessly; showing "loading" in the center of the Finder screen. Has anyone resolved this? Do I need to go back to sync'ing?

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Citrix wants everyone to use the Citrix for Mac (in our case) App which essentially gives you a view from Finder of everything you have in the cloud. It assumes you're connected to the internet. You can tag folders and files for offline use, but I believe on a one off basis. AND you can't search using Finder. In talking with support, this was their response, below. They haven't provided an explicit solution yet, but I believe it will only be going back to the original Sync'ing App we started with and which can be glitchy if you try and sync to many files. I recommend selective sync'ing as a result; being sure to keep under 100 gb. The challenge is, Citrix has pulled it from their website in order to push Citrix for MAC. I have a support request in asking for it until they get the issue resolved. Feel free to check back to see if we succeeded!

Anyway, other than that - I wouldn't do a recursive grep, but rather a find -exec. find lets you filter files first, and is quite efficient... but there really is no getting around the fact that you'll have to read every file that matches to check.

I am looking for a function that lists all files in all sub-directories according to a given search pattern.

I can imagine that such a function already exist, but I failed to find it.

Below my version:

The strange thing is the behavior of the variable s_files.

Why is it not necessary to declare it as global in the for-loop?

And even more strange, why does it the opposite from what I would

like to achieve? If I declare them inside the for-loop as global,

the content is deleted.

There is an enhanced Glob around:


Unfortunately, the documentation does not make clear to me,

if I can specify a specific top directory as an input

parameter to the function, which specifies the starting point

of the recursive search.

While not listed on MDN Dev Tools Search page, Firefox Developer (Quantum) 58 once again includes the ability to search ALL files. I was missing this and almost defected to Chrome, but the tool set is way less intuitive.

Not the exact answer for this question but go to View/Task List to search for the TODOApply the technics explained in the other answers.To get a list of tokens, go to Tools/Options/Environment/TaskList

This seems like it should be basic functionality. As others have mentioned, it unfortunately is difficult to import and search existing, file based music libraries. Could someone, algo staff or friendly user, please share their workflow/best practices?

I had a similar problem with a file named hello-world. So if I tried searching only the word hello the file could be found. If I tried searching the word world the file is not found. In my search I did not use the -. However there seems to be some problem if the filename contains a -.

When i tried type in the search bar only 123, that will show nothing in the search result.It work fine when i type * before word that i will looking for.Like *123 so it will show search result that match --> ff-0101-12345, ff-0102-12345, ff-0000-12356

For example, all the .gitignore files in my project. I know i can ctrl+p and type ".gitignore", but i don't want to open all the files, i want to list them, and open them one by one afterwards. Also the "open file" popup disappears as it looses focus and brings recent files to the top, altering the order every time (this makes it difficult to keep track of the files i already opened).

I've found this cool extension that only opens all the files with a certain name (it even supports wildcards). The problem is that i have tens of files, i can't open all of them together, especially if the files are not simple .gitignore files, but something bigger.

Thanks. With 1600 files this process would probably take a lot of time. But for some reason, it made me realize that I could just use Finder to search for the relevant tags and make the move there. So, thanks!

After executing a search, you may choose to view results for Messages or Files by selecting the appropriate tab in the search results screen. Use the filter icon to narrow the results to only include specific file types, like documents, photos, and videos.

To narrow your search further, you may include one or more search filters in your query, including:

System Administrators do not need to make any configuration changes for users to start searching for files in Mattermost Server v5.35 and later. However, search results for files shared in the past may be incomplete until a content extraction command is executed to extract and index the content of files already in the database.

In order to return search results matching file contents, supported document types are extracted and indexed in the database which adds load to your server. For large deployments or teams that share many large text-heavy documents, it is recommended to review our hardware requirements and test this feature in a staging environment before enabling document content search in production. Disabling document content search still allows users to search for files by name.

Search results for files shared in the past will be incomplete until a content extraction command is executed and the search index is rebuilt. To reindex after executing the content extraction command, select the Index button on the System Console > Elasticsearch (E20) or Bleve Settings (Experimental) pages.

For Mattermost Self-Managed workspaces, search results will return files with matching contents for .pdf, .pptx, .odt, .html, and plain text documents. System Admins can install these dependencies in order to enable searching contents of .docx, .rtf, and .pages files.

All search methods support the highlight parameter. If specified, the matching query terms will be markedup in the results so that clients may replace them with appropriate highlighting markers(e.g. ). The UTF-8 markers we use are:

To search your file system for a particular file, you have a number of options. The key thing to consider is that the search gets more costly with the number of locations you are trying to search. The more you can narrow your target the better.

This would search 3 known folders (system folder, windows folder, and C:\Program Files), and also search any folders of the system folder. It will not go deeper than one level of folders below the system folder.

To open the filter menu, click the Search Options icon on the right side of the search bar. Under the Content Filters tab, you can filter results by file type, date modified, and file owner. Under the Metadata tab, you can filter results using custom metadata fields.

You can also set filters after viewing all search results from the search results page. Use the drop-downs at the top of the screen to filter by file type, file size, date modified, file owner, or custom metadata.

Note: Exact searches do not return search matches based on specific character sequences. Instead, they return matches based on phrases, that is, word sequences. For example: A search for "Blue-Box" may return search results including the sequence "", "Blue Box", and "Blue-Box"; any item containing the words "Blue" and "Box" consecutively.

Box has a secure index for content much like the index in the back of a textbook. Every time a file or folder is changed, we add those words to the index in a process called indexing. When you conduct a search, we look in the search index for files and folders that match your query. When content is added, updated, or deleted in Box, we will update the search index accordingly.

I was expecting krunner (and maybe the other Launchers like Application Launcher, Application Menu, Application Dashboard) to find files the way Synapse does or even Whisker menu. For some time these Plasma tools have searched and found only files and folders in $HOME, and even there they still find no links. (The only thing that krunner does more than the rest is to show "Places".)

On a separate drive some files and folders are seen, but not all of them. What is the difference between the ones that are searchable and the rest? Could it be the depth of directory levels?

If you don't know the path to a file, simply type the name of the file. If the file is a recently opened document, KRunner will list it for you. If you have enabled "File Search" provided by Baloo daemon, you can also search your computer for the file by its indexed contents. KRunner will also open folders you've bookmarked in Dolphin (in your Places sidebar) if you type their name in. What's more, if you want to access devices on your system (both mounted and unmounted), you can do that, too. KRunner will even provide device-specific options.

hello dear all , how to search files in Thunar!? is this possible!?

in the past i used dolphin (in other linux distro) there we were able to do a search.

in the last 10 month .- while using EOS i am not having the option to do so.

I believe you have to install catfish and add a custom thunar action. Too much for a semi-minimalist like me For filename search I use the find command. It works well and fits with my Openbox system.

I know, I am on KDE, but I do not see why not on XFCE. I am not expert with Thunar but probably you can work out something as I did to search by content from the file manager as I did there. 2351a5e196

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