I would like to determine the operating system of the host that my Java program is running programmatically (for example: I would like to be able to load different properties based on whether I am on a Windows or Unix platform). What is the safest way to do this with 100% reliability?

As indicated in other answers, System.getProperty provides the raw data. However, the Apache Commons Lang component provides a wrapper for java.lang.System with handy properties like SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS, much like the aforementioned Swingx OS util.

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Enter the world of GUI, or Graphical User Interface. This will allow a user to, for example, use their mouse and have more visually stimulating interactions with the program. One can certainly program all of that stuff by oneself, mouse clicks, windows, tabs, forms, etc. but that can get rather complicated. Packages like JavaFX allow developers to easily create a graphical interface for Java applications that will run on devices that use the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

I would like to write a program to manage and prioritize personal and/or work related tasks with buttons, text boxes and that sort of thing. I have done a lot of the Treehouse courses dealing with Android apps. But I wish to write an app that works on a windows computer in particular. Using Java because I know it best.

I use IntelliJ for java dev (and angular) for my work. Which OS do you prefer e.g. Windows with wsl2, windows , macOS , linux native,.... I have a Mac air M1 but with 8 gb ram, (could afford more ram) but I also have a Lenovo legion (two years now) with 16 ram on one slot (so I can add 16 to go to 32). Although Mac air M1 is faster (a lot), ram is super crucial so my Lenovo 9th gen intel, wins when things become heavy. (I was .net c# dev).

So, I'm looking for a good productive setup for IntelliJ java spring angular etc dev. eg Thinkpad with 32ram . But I loose the battery life of M1 which I like. (too bad there is no more external battery laptops, maybe power banks is a solution). What would you buy today at normal budget lets say ~1200-1400$ for that work?

If there is a scanner warning on a Windows client regarding the version of Java, check the path that is listed in the scan report. It may be necessary to update the JRE version for the operating system, or a third party application.

If you are a beginner trying to learn how to run Java programs in your Windows operating system, then you might face difficulties installing Java correctly on your computer. But fear not! I will cover everything you need to know to prepare your Windows computer fully for running Java programs.

Every software we install onto our computer needs the minimum hardware and software requirements, to function smoothly and perform seamlessly in its environment. Similarly, Java installation in windows has hardware and software prerequisites that are necessary before the process can start.

SAP Note 2786882 describes which operating systems and versions with which JDKs/JREs are supported by the SAP Java Connector 3.1, and when the SAP Java Connector 3.1 maintenance and support period will end.

The SDK package of SAP Java Connector 3.1 includes the software, documentation, and examples. The SAP Java Connector 3.1 requires a JDK/JRE 8, 11 or 17. SAP Java Connector 3.1 running on Windows operating systems requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 C/C++ runtime libraries to be installed on the system. See SAP Note 2786882.

See SAP Note 2786882 describing which operating systems and versions with which JDKs/JREs are supported by the SAP Java Connector, and when the SAP Java Connector maintenance and support period will end. Furthermore, it is recommended to have at least 256 MB physical memory on your hardware.

Which versions of Java is Microsoft Crypto API (MSCAPI) compatible with?? I am storing my private key in the Windows store and trying to read it to decrypt SAML assertion, but facing an error "java.security.InvalidKeyException: No installed provider supports this key: sun.security.mscapi.CPrivateKey". I get a similar error with Amazon Corretto JDK 11 and Oracle Java 1.8. So, wanted to know if it is possible to use the private key read from the MMC to validate/decrypt a token or is it restricted.

The Microsoft Crypto API (MSCAPI) is primarily designed to work with the Microsoft Windows operating system and its certificate stores. It allows Java applications running on Windows to access cryptographic services provided by the Windows operating system.

The error you encountered, "java.security.InvalidKeyException: No installed provider supports this key: sun.security.mscapi.CPrivateKey," might be related to how you are accessing the private key from the Windows certificate store or how you are using it in your Java code.

The com.microsoft.azure.functions:azure-functions-java-library dependency is provided on the classpath by default, and doesn't need to be included in the lib directory. Also, azure-functions-java-worker adds dependencies listed here to the classpath.

Plaintiffs' Joint Proposed Findings of Fact, and the evidence on which they are based, demonstrate that Microsoft has engaged in a broad pattern of unlawful conduct with the purpose and effect of thwarting emerging threats to its powerful and well-entrenched operating system monopoly. Most prominent among these was the threat posed by competing Internet browsers, particularly Netscape's Navigator. Non-Microsoft browsers, if widely used, promised to form the center of an emerging middleware platform that could have helped to erode the high applications barrier to entry that protects Microsoft's monopoly.

Microsoft acted quickly to squelch this evolving middleware threat to what it sometimes called its "desktop paradise," first by proposing an illegal division of markets, and then by embarking on a predatory campaign to restrict the distribution and usage of Netscape's browser and, in Microsoft's words, to "cut off Netscape's air supply." But Microsoft's broad anticompetitive campaign has not been limited to preempting the browser threat; Microsoft sought to curtail other actual or potential middleware threats to its operating system monopoly, including Sun's Java, Intel's Native Signal Processing, and Apple's QuickTime. Microsoft's actions demonstrate that it believed it could not win simply by competing on the merits. As one of Microsoft's top executives candidly acknowledged: "we were very concerned that if the user saw Netscape Navigator side by side with Internet Explorer . . . we would lose."

Microsoft's predatory campaign worked. It succeeded in preserving Microsoft's monopoly power by preventing the successful development of alternative platforms that could have eroded its Windows monopoly and given consumers greater choice. In other words, Microsoft prevented consumers from getting what they wanted so that Microsoft could keep what it had -- a monopoly in operating systems.

For a long time now -- and, if Microsoft's actions to maintain its monopoly are not halted, for well into the future -- personal computer consumers are locked into a Microsoft world, one in which a single company essentially controls the configuration of desktop computing. The evidence detailed in these Proposed Findings establishes both the anticompetitive tactics Microsoft employed and the harm to competition and consumers those tactics caused. What can never be fully known, of course, are (i) the innovative products that would have come to market had developers not been deterred by Microsoft's illegal assault on potential competitors; and (ii) the benefits that consumers would have realized if Microsoft's operating systems monopoly had been eroded. Such products and consumer benefits are inevitable wherever market competition flourishes.

Microsoft has monopoly power in the market for operating systems for Intel-compatible personal computers ("PCs"). Microsoft's operating systems account for an overwhelming share -- well over 90% -- of that market and, indeed, of all operating systems for PCs. Microsoft's customers -- computer manufacturers ("OEMs") and the vast majority of PC users -- have no commercially viable alternative to the Windows operating systems. Microsoft is able to, and does, exercise its monopoly power over OEMs and PC consumers in a variety of ways.

Microsoft's monopoly power is protected, and has been protected for years, by high barriers to entry into the operating systems market, the most important of which is the applications barrier. The applications barrier to entry exists because applications written to Windows will not run on other operating systems and other operating systems cannot effectively compete against Microsoft unless they can offer PC users a wide array of applications similar, in depth and breadth, to the vast set of applications that exists for Windows.

In the mid-1990's, Microsoft identified a potential threat to its monopoly: platform level middleware such as Netscape's Navigator browser. Internet browsers run "on top" of operating systems and contain interfaces ("APIs") to which other application programs can be written. Because Internet browsers and other middleware can run on multiple operating systems, they can enable application developers, by writing programs to the APIs on the middleware, to develop programs that are platform neutral -- that is, that can run across a variety of operating systems. By potentially "commoditizing" the underlying operating system, browsers thus offer the potential to erode the applications barrier to entry and, ultimately, Microsoft's operating system monopoly. Netscape's browser posed a particularly serious threat to Microsoft: it was widely adopted by PC users to browse the rapidly emerging World Wide Web, it was cross platform, and it therefore had the potential to become a ubiquitous platform to which other application programs could be written.

Another serious threat to Microsoft was the development of Java by Sun Microsystems. Java too can serve as an alternative platform to which developers can write applications that run across different operating systems. The Java and Netscape threats were mutually reinforcing because the Netscape browser was a primary distribution mechanism for Java and because Java applications are especially well-suited to the Internet and to other network-based computing needs and, therefore, complement the browser. e24fc04721

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