The following are thoughts from my most recent Lectio Divina on Phil 2:5. St. Benedict states to his monks in Chapter 4 that they should prefer nothing to the love of Christ. Here is the quote from Chapter 4 of the Rule of St. Benedict.

Putting Christ as the center of your life can be dangerous to how you look at life. Dangerous in the sense that you have to rearrange your priorities. Here are some of the things I had to do to attempt, and I stress attempt, to prefer nothing to the love of Christ.

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There are plenty of ways to show yourself some love. In fact, I wrote a popular list of 22 ways to love yourself more. Often, the challenge is getting started. When you dont feel lovable or good enough, how are you going to write yourself a love letter or forgive your mistakes? Before you can do any of those things, you have to find just one tiny little piece of you thats worthwhile.

Love as a word for a score of zero has been used in the sport of tennis since the late 1800s. Frankly, how love became a word for zero is baffling, but so is the overall scoring system for tennis. The points progress from love to 15, 30, and 40, which are relatively equivalent to 0,1, 2, and 3 in points per game. For example, if the player serving wins the first point of a game, then the score is "15 - love" or "fifteen (to) love" in their favor. Etymologists aren't exactly sure how love came to mean "zero," but, as we said, there are theories. (As for the point system, we're still scratching our heads about the random 40; 15 to 30 begins a pattern that 40 doesn't follow.)

Another, and far more accepted, theory is that this sense of love comes from the expression "to play for love." The idea is that a person who fails to make any points doesn't care because they are playing for love of the game, rather than playing to win (which, really, every player is trying to do but when you can't get it together at least show good sportsmanship and play for love) or playing for monetary stakes. In other words, playing on the court, challenging yourself, is the reason for still playing despite having the score of love. And to players of tennis, the sport can be truly a "labor of love," an expression which implies an undertaking performed out of love for the work itself without consideration of benefit or reward. A similar idea is found in the origin of the word amateur, which can refer to a person who does something strictly for love; the word comes from the Latin word amare, meaning "to love."

We're calling that such earlier use breaks the "egg" theory but doesn't give points to the "for love" theory either; it only gives an idea of when love was first used in writing to mean "nothing" in sports and games. The physical act of playing out something to its end, for love or another emotion, has been experienced long before the invention of cards and rackets. It's only human to do so, and it seems that human nature might have compelled people to express their zero as love. Love, after all, even when it means "nothing," makes everyone feel better. But when did that first love get put in the "nothing" box?


 Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain 

I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted; and 

I would I could find in my heart that I had not a 

hard heart, for truly I love none.


 A dear happiness to women! They would 

else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I 

thank God and my cold blood, I am of your humor 

for that. I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow

 than a man swear he loves me. (1.1.122-130)


 That I neither feel how she should be loved

nor know how she should be worthy is the opinion 

that fire cannot melt out of me. I will die in it at the 



 Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the 

despite of beauty. (1.1.226-231)


 My liege, your Highness now may do me good.


 My love is thine to teach. Teach it but how,

 And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn

 Any hard lesson that may do thee good. (1.1.284-287)


 'Tis certain so. The Prince woos for himself.

 Friendship is constant in all other things

 Save in the office and affairs of love.

 Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues.

 Let every eye negotiate for itself

 And trust no agent, for beauty is a witch

 Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. (2.1.172-178)


 O god of love! I know he doth deserve

 As much as may be yielded to a man,

 But Nature never framed a woman's heart

 Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice.

 Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes,

 Misprizing what they look on, and her wit

 Values itself so highly that to her

 All matter else seems weak. She cannot love,

 Nor take no shape nor project of affection,

 She is so self-endeared. (3.1.49-58)


 If he be not in love with some woman, there 

is no believing old signs. He brushes his hat o' 

mornings. What should that bode?


 Hath any man seen him at the barber's?


 No, but the barber's man hath been seen 

with him, and the old ornament of his cheek hath 

already stuffed tennis balls.


 Indeed he looks younger than he did, by the 

loss of a beard.


 Nay, he rubs himself with civet. Can you smell 

him out by that?


 That's as much as to say, the sweet youth's in 

love. (3.2.38-50)

Benedick and Beatrice come so close to walking away from each other here. Is their pride or their fear stronger than their love for each other? How does this make us feel about the potential longevity of their relationship, in contrast to a couple like Claudio and Hero?

At the wedding, Claudio publicly denounces Hero as a lewd woman. He is supported in his story by Don Pedro and Don John. Hero faints and her accusers depart. The Friar believes in her innocence and proposes that Leonato announce that she has died. This news, the Friar thinks, will make Claudio remember his love for her. After the others depart, Benedick and Beatrice admit they love each other, and Benedick reluctantly agrees to challenge Claudio to a duel.

I fought because I wanted my mom to understand and respect the things my adolescent mind had to say, while learning to still respect her as my authority. I fought because I loved her too much to simply ignore the conflict and walk away.

I am not saying I am at the level where I can have things, where I can move from one place to another, where I can leave or be left by those I love without feeling sad. I really believe it takes time and practice to get there, but I am definitely way better at it than I was years ago.

Much Ado About Nothing begins in Messina, where Leonato lives with his daughter, Hero, and her cousin and companion, the Lady Beatrice. Leonato receives word that his friend, the Duke Don Pedro has returned from war and plans to visit with some of his fellow soldiers. Among the party is Claudio, who quickly falls in love with Hero. Benedick, a bachelor who has sworn off love and marriage, also comes, and he enjoys speaking his mind in witty argument with Beatrice.

That night, Hero's maid, Margaret, talks with Borachio from Hero's bedroom window. Claudio and the Duke watch secretly from a distance and think that the girl at the window is Hero. Meanwhile, Hero, Claudius and Don Pedro decide Benedick and Beatrice are ideal partners, despite (or because of) their bickering. They make a plot to allow Benedick to overhear them discussing Beatrice's love for him and vice versa. After a series of overheard conversations, Benedick and Beatrice realise they do indeed love one another.

Dogberry's incriminating information is, after some difficulty, given to Leonato and Don Pedro. As penance for causing Hero's death, Claudio agrees to accept Leonato's "niece" in her place. The "niece" turns out to be Hero (conveniently). The play comes to a joyful conclusion as the lovers are reunited, and Benedick and Beatrice announce that they will share the wedding day. Don John has been captured while trying to escape and is left for future trial while the play ends with a merry dance.

4 Love is patient,(I) love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.(J) 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,(K) it is not easily angered,(L) it keeps no record of wrongs.(M) 6 Love does not delight in evil(N) but rejoices with the truth.(O) 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.(P)

Will surprise couple Beatrice and Benedick win this year, or will it be Hero, back from the brink of death, and her lover/abuser Claudio (Jez Davess-Humphrey)? The executive producer, herself a black woman, articulates her cynical certainty that TV audiences will never vote for someone who looks like her.

Overall, this youth adaptation speaks with wit to a generation saturated in reality television and social media versions of love, who have missed out on real social contact during the COVID pandemic. The cynicism of the exposed reality TV strategies is counterbalanced by the warmth and joy of an assembled audience who laugh, gasp and click their fingers at this fast-paced and witty production.

I have wounds from past relationships that I am still trying to heal.

I'm not used to compliments.

I'm not used to being told I make someone happy, or that they think I'm amazing, or anything of the sort.

I'm used to arguments, mental abuse, sometimes physical and in certain situations all I expect is to be yelled at.

But then you came along, and I didn't expect to fall in love with you. You're an angel.

You say the sweetest things and they make me want to melt.

You're there with your love that I feel wrapped around me even though we are currently over 7000 miles apart.

But I feel so comfortable with you, I've told you my deepest secrets and about the things that have hurt me the most.

You are loving me after I've been through so much abuse and I feel so blessed to have someone like you in my life. Someone so kind and patient, who doesn't mind that it could take me a while to not expect particular things, someone amazing.

You have shown me what love should be, and although it makes me wish I had found you sooner, I'm glad I have you now. e24fc04721

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