

"Anchored Updating from Recommendations" with Hyoeun Park (Journal of Mathematical Economics)

    Individuals update their beliefs from recommendations on a menu instead of noisy signals. A belief updating rule that satisfies order independence of recommendations is proposed and characterized in this environment.

Working papers

"Overinference from Weak and Correlated Signals

Decision-makers exhibit overweighting bias and correlation neglect, leading to extreme beliefs. Directly improving for overweighting bias affects correlation neglect and vice versa.

"Duality and Equilibrium" with Jacob K. Goeree and Brett Williams

A novel duality in vector optimization is employed to an alternative characterization of Walrasian equilibrium. Equilibrium existence and the welfare theorems are a direct consequence of duality. The scalarized vector program -- Economy's Potential -- is introduced  for computing equilibria.

"To Follow the Herd or Break Away? Overconfidence and Social Learning" with Adnan Mahmood

There are distinct effects of confidence on welfare that depends on whether one exhibits relative or absolute confidence about  their signal accuracy. Relative overconfidence improves welfare while absolute overconfidence worsens welfare after realizing ones true accuracy. 

"Sharing information: Could Experts Consolidate?" with Adnan Mahmood

No, with MLRP; yes, with strong complementary information.

"An Efficient Value on Games with Graph"

   An efficient value on cooperative games with graphs is proposed and axiomatically characterized. An example on disaster fund allocation is given.


Works in progress

"Rational Inattention with Non-Bayesians" with Hyeonggyun Ko and Adnan Mahmood