Click here for my CV (updated: Oct 2022)

Recent Grants and Awards

Larry and Shelia Kantor Graduate Student Support Fund ($1,500), 2022

Burton Abrams Economics Scholarship ($1,300), 2022

Decision Science Collaborative Research Grant ($3,000), 2022

L. Edwin Smart Graduate Associate Teaching Award, 2021

Decision Science Collaborative Research Grant ($2,925), 2021

JMCB Grant for Graduate Student Research ($2,500), 2021

Department of Economics Fellowship, 2017-2018

Past achievements

Department of Economics Fellowship The Ohio State University USA, 2017-2018

Monbukagakusho JASSO Honors Scholarship Recipient Japanese Government, 2016

Dean's Academic Prize for Best Graduate Thesis Waseda University Japan, 2016

Monbulagakusho MEXT-SGU Scholarship Recipient Japanese Government, 2014-2016

UP School of Economics- Health Policy Development Scholarship Recipient  University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2013-2014

Dean's Medal University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2013


Ph.D. Economics The Ohio State University, 2023

M.A. Economics  The Ohio State University, 2018 

M.A. Economics Waseda University, 2016.

B.A. Economics University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2013

Some skills

Language: Filipino (native), English (fluent)

Programming: Stata, MATLAB, LaTeX, oTree, Python