Wind Instrument Fingerings (app)

Wind Instrument Fingerings is much more than just fingerings. Beginning with the standard wind instruments and their standard fingerings, this app is designed to contain more than just preliminary information. Use this app to look up alternate fingerings, trill fingerings, intonation tendencies, and even fingerings in the extended range for each instrument. Feel free to contribute a suggestion or a concern regarding the application in the provided form below.

"Wind Instrument Fingerings" planned updates

Feel free to click through the Wind Instrument Fingerings app spreadsheet to see all past update information. This spreadsheet is completely up to date with each new iteration of the app.

Send me your comments or suggestions in regard to the Wind Instrument Fingerings app. I will be sure to respond, if necessary, in a timely manner.


  1. Version 1.11

    • Clarinet Average Tuning Tendencies added from E3 - E4.