Selected Published Papers (full list on Google Scholar)

The principal block of a $\ZZ_\ell$-spets and Yokonuma type algebras Algebra Number Theory (to appear) (joint with Radha Kessar and Gunter Malle) 

A $2$-compact group as a spets Exper. Math. (2021), 1-16

Algorithms for fusion systems with applications to $p$ -groups of small order (joint with Chris Parker) J. Math. Comp. (2021)

Weight conjectures for fusion systems Adv. Math. 357 (2019), 1-40 (joint with Radha Kessar, Markus Linckelmann and Justin Lynd)

Fusion systems on maximal class $3$-groups of rank two revisited, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 3773-3786 (joint with Chris Parker)

Fusion systems over a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G_2(p)$ Math. Z. 289 (2018), 629-662 (joint with Chris Parker)

The cycle polynomial of a permutation group Electron. J. Comb, Volume 25, Issue 1 (2018) (joint with Peter Cameron)

Reduced fusion systems over $p$-groups with abelian subgroup of index $p$: II Adv. Math 322 (2017), 201-268 (joint with David Craven and Bob Oliver)

Conway’s groupoid and its relatives Contemporary Mathematics Volume 694, 2017 in honour of John H. Conway (joint with Nick Gill, Neil Gillespie and Cheryl Praeger)

Tournaments, 4-uniform hypergraphs, and an exact extremal result J. Comb. Theory, Series B, 126 (2017) 114-136 (joint with Karen Gunderson)


Turán numbers and switching arXiv:  2204.10775 (joint with Karen Gunderson) (submitted)

Weight conjectures for $\ell$-compact groups and spetses arXiv: 2008.07213 (joint with Radha Kessar and Gunter Malle) (submitted)

Weights in a Benson--Solomon block arXiv: 1712.02826 (joint with Justin Lynd) (submitted)