About Me

I am currently a Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Loughborough University

From 2019-2023 I was a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at the University of Leicester

From 2013-2019 I was a Heilbronn Fellow, first at the University of Bristol and then at the University of Leicester. 

I completed my DPhil in 2013 at the University of Oxford under the supervision of David Craven and Michael Collins. 

I completed undergraduate and masters degrees in music and mathematics at the University of Birmingham between 2005 and 2009. 

My Erdős number is 2.

Research interests

I am interested in interactions between algebraic topology, group theory, representation theory and combinatorics. Most recently I have become interested in using the theory of ℓ-compact groups to develop a modular representation theory for spetses and related structures. Here is a paper I cowrote with Radha Kessar and Gunter Malle on that subject. With Chris Parker I have written some code to compute with and classify fusion systems.

I organised a conference on topological methods in group representation theory with Frank Neumann in November 2019. 


Movement and Symmetry in Graphs, BIRS, Banff, November 24-29 2024

Topology, Representation Theory and Higher Structures, Skye, June 2024

Representations of Finite Groups, Oberwolfach, April 16-21 2023

Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives, INI, Cambridge, May 8 - 14, May 22 - 28, June 19 - 23 and Jul 24 - 29, 2022

Workshop on Homotopy Theory and Group Theory (IRP Higher Homotopical Structures), CRM Workshop, Barcelona, July 05-09 2021

CanaDAM 2021, Online, May 25-28 2021

Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives, INI, Cambridge, March 01-14 2020

Groups and Geometries, BIRS, Banff, August 25-30 2019

Classifying spaces of finite groups of Lie type, Copenhagen, July 2019

Representations of Finite Groups, Oberwolfach, March 2019

Group representation theory and applications, MSRI, Berkeley, March 2018


Email: j.p.semeraro(at)lboro.ac.uk

Office: SCH2.03, Schofield Building, Loughborough University