The Scientific Method

Lesson Plan

Grade: 3

Objective: Students will learn and apply the steps of the scientific method by performing experiments. Students will also learn how to collect data.

The Scientific Method


The Scientific Method Powerpoint will help guide students to identify the steps of the scientific method while constructing an experiment

After discussing the scientific method students will experiment and demonstrate the steps of the scientific method while composing three experiments.

The Scientific Method .pdf

Worksheet activity

This worksheet is a guide for students to write down the steps of the scientific method while conducting experiments.

Students will fill out the worksheet three times, two together and the last one independently.

First Experiment (Together)

Will Sugar Dissolve in Hot or Cold water?

What you will need

· Cold water

· Warm water

· Sugar

· 2 clear cups

· 1 tablespoon


1. Pour cold water into one clear cup and pour warm water in the remaining clear cup

2. Measure 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix into cold water

3. Measure another tablespoon of sugar and mix into warm water

Which solvent did the sugar dissolve in?

Second Experiment (Together)

Which solvent will clean a dirty penny better?

What you will need

· Water

· Dish soap

· Vinegar

· 3 dirty pennies

· 3 clear cups


1. Pour water into 2 clear cups and mix dish soap into one of the cups filled with water

2. Pour vinegar into the last clear cup

3. Put one penny in each cup of solvent

4. Leave pennies in cups for 2 minutes

5. After the 2 minutes, take out the pennies and determine which penny is clean

Which penny came out the cleanest?

Third Experiment (Independently)

What will happen to a colored coffee filter when placed in water?

What you will need

· Water

· Coffee filter

· Markers

· Clear cup

· Paper Plate


1. Pour water into clear cup

2. Color the middle of the coffee filter

3. Fold the coffee filter into half 3 times, it will look like an ice cream cone

4. Dip the pointy part of the filter into the cup of water

5. Leave in water for 2 minutes

6. Take out coffee filter and open the coffee filter (place on paper plate)

7. Analyze what happened to the coffee filter

What happened to the coffee filter when dipped into the water?