Initial Reflection

Earth Science and Teaching

My strengths as a student and a teacher are that I can set up a schedule to manage my time and actually stick to it. Another strength of mine is that I am patient and accepting of others. My weakness as a student and a teacher is that I am too organized and it causes my work to be delayed. What I am most comfortable when teaching about Earth Science, is knowing that there will be guidance through my portfolio to help me out with topics. What I am most uncomfortable when teaching Earth Science is not being able to understand the material.

Personal Plans

My SMART goal for this class is to understand the material so I can put time and materials into my ePortfolio. Based on my current life situation and expectations and if this was a graded class, I feel like my grade would be B, hopefully, reaching for an A. Most classes I tend to take online, so this class is one of the first few I take in-person so I am a little nervous. Some specific steps in order to accomplish my goal is to manage my time and ask for help when I am unsure of a topic. I will also plan out my assignments on a planner so I may learn how to manage my time. Online classes are way easier for me to manage so I had no issue falling behind, as I had the same schedule for 3 years. This semester is different, my schedule is flipped so it may take me a while to settle into a new schedule. Some learning outcome that will help me grow in the class is by getting used to taking an in-person class. I feel that this class will help me in asking for help, and being on top of work by constantly adding to the ePortfolios.


My thoughts about the ungrading system are that I think it's very helpful. I think it is helpful because focusing on the material is what matters and usually, in most of my classes, I focus more on the grade and forget what I learned. This is my first class that uses the ungrading system so I am excited to learn, I do have a feeling that I will be stressed because I am so used to the grading system. I am afraid that I will work hard and not receive the grade that I feel I should receive.