Work in progress

Work in progress

"Voice at Work" (with Simon Jäger and Benjamin Schoefer). (paper

"The Aftermath of a Superstar Firm Collapse: Evidence from the Decline of Nokia"  (with Andres Barrios-Fernandez, Tuomas Matikka and Sami Remes) (paper)

"Stairway to Heaven? Selection into Entrepreneurship, Income Mobility and Firm Performance"  (with Toni Juuti and Tuomas Matikka) (paper)

"How Do Firms Respond to Risk-based Tax Audits?" (with Kaisa Kotakorpi, Tuomas Matikka and Annika Nivala) (paper)

"Copayments for prescription drugs: The drivers of demand responses" (with Jouko Verho) (paper)

"Does Household Tax Credit Increase Employment?" (with Sami Jysmä, Aliisa Koivisto and Tuomas Kosonen) (paper)

"Social Insurance and Entrepreneurship" (with Youssef Benzarti, Tuomas Matikka, Ella Mattinen and Alisa Tazhitdinova)

"Taxi Market Deregulation: Effects on Prices, Demand and Tax Evasion" (with Ida Kankaanranta and Kaisa Kotakorpi)

"Labor Costs and Firm Dynamics" (with Youssef Benzarti and Sami Jysmä)

"Multifaceted Responses to a VAT reform: Evidence from an RCT and a Quasi-Experiment" (with Tuomas Kosonen and Olli Ropponen)

"Property Taxes and Firm Outcomes" (with Teemu Lyytikäinen, Sebastian Siegloch and Erkka Silvennoinen)

"Early Retirement and Firm Performance" (with Tomi Kyyrä)

"Car taxes and car fleet: Quantity and quality effects" (with Tuomas Kosonen and James Sallee).