Project Progress

Week 1:

  • Brainstorming of project ideas.
  • Project idea decided, plausibility of concept working confirmed by T.A.
  • Parts needed for project ordered.

Week 2:

  • Parts obtained for project.
  • Review of datasheets and getting familiar with LCD.
  • Begin trying to get the LCD program working.
  • Prototype program to check functionality of the joystick made.

Week 3:

  • Troubleshooting and improving the joystick program.
  • Joystick working great.
  • Still trying to figure out how the LCD works; having some trouble with SPI.

Week 4:

  • Setting up and troubleshooting the LCD; still very troubled with SPI.
  • Part of maze program working for testing; other parts working smoothly.
  • Getting started with running the program onto the LCD.

Final Week:

  • Still troubleshooting the LCD; still very, very, very, very, very troubled with SPI.
  • Writing of the maze program finished smoothly.
  • Trying to port Arduino code to C gave problems before, but our trouble with SPI made us revisit it. The code is very difficult to port to C, we wrote some code and tested it on the Arduino, but still couldn't port it.
  • We got another set of example code from the T.A.'s, but we are still having some trouble with the screen.