Functions of Particles

Below are simple explanations and examples just for a quick review, provided for your reference. You should go back to your textbooks for a complete review. The lesson numbers correspond with lessons in the Genki I textbook.

: Topic particle. It marks the topic of the sentence. The meaning is close to 'As for~' or 'Talking about~'.

メアリーさん にねんせいです。As for Mary, (she) is a 2nd-year student.

このほん たかいです。Talking about this book, (it) is expensive.

Sentential subjects often become the topic of the sentence, but はcan be used after sentential objects or time expressions depending on what has been talked about. However, the use of はis restricted. Do not overuse は.

: Question particle. It attaches at the end of a sentence to make a question (with rising intonation).

メアリーさんは にねんせいですIs Mary a 2nd-year student?

このほんは たかいですIs this book expensive?

: Sentence-final particle. Providing the information unknown to the listener.

メアリーさんは アメリカ人です(In case you don't know) Mary is American.

このすしは おいしいです(I'm telling you) this sushi is tasty.

: Sentence-final particle. Used to ask for confirmation or agreement.

メアリーさんは アメリカ人ですMary is American, right?

このすしは おいしいですThis sushi is tasty, don't you think?

: ~'s, of ~. Be careful with the word order. Japanese particles attach at the end of the word or phrase.

メアリーさんほん Mary's book

だいがくとしょかん the library of the university (= the university library)

Verb の (Lesson 8)

Here, の is used as a nominalizer; it attaches to a verb and turns it into a noun phrase, so that it can be used as the subject/object in a sentence.

メアリーさんは テニスを するが すきです。Mary likes playing tennis.

Adjective/noun+の (Lesson 11)

Following an adjective, の is used like 'one' in English, when it is clear from the context what it refers to.

くろいくつ black shoes ⇒ くろいblack ones

When the second noun in「AB」 is clear from the context, you can omit B. This is like -'s in English.

メアリーさんのほん Mary's book ⇒ メアリーさん Mary's


1) Place of action (Lesson 3): in, at. Indicates the location where the action takes place.

(わたしは)レストラン ひるごはんを たべました。I ate lunch at a restaurant.

スーさんは かんこく にほんごをべんきょうしました。Sue studied Japanese in Korea.

2) Means of transportation, instrument (Lesson 10): by, with

メアリーさんは バス だいがくに きます。Mary comes to the university by bus.

(わたしは)はし すしを たべました。I ate sushi with chopsticks.


1) Time expressions (Lesson 3): Used after time expressions such as days of the week, time, months, years.

にちようび べんきょうしました。I studied on Sunday.

五月(ごがつ) 日本(にほん)に いきます。 I will go to Japan in May.

Some time expressions do not need に, such as あした、きょう、らいしゅう、ことし、まいにち、いつ, etc.

(わたしは)きょう_ だいがくに いきます。I will go to the University today.

(わたしは)せんしゅう_ にほんごを べんきょうしました。I studied Japanese last week.

2) Direction (Lesson 3): to, toward

としょかん いきます。I will go to the library.

クラス いきました。I went to the class.

Certain verbs take に, not を.

バス のりました。I took a bus (=I got on the bus).

まいにち おふろ はいります。I take a bath every day (=I enter into the bath every day)

きのう ともだち あいました。I met a friend yesterday.

3) Location (Lesson 4): Location where something/someone exists.

としょかん 本(ほん)が あります。There are books in the library.

うち ねこが います。There is a cat in my place.

Location words with certain verbs take に instead of で (Lesson 7). It is easier to memorize them in this category than individually.

(わたしは)おおさかのかいしゃ つとめています。I works for a company in Osaka.

メアリーさんは きょうと すんでいます。Mary lives in Kyoto.

つとめるand すむare not actions. Rather, they are states and so they cannot be used with で.

4) Place に Verb(purpose) に いきます/きます/かえります (Lesson 7). When you go/come/return somewhere in order to do something, use this structure.

としょかん 本をかり 行きました。I went to the library to borrow a book.

まいにち このきっさてん おちゃを のみ きます。Every day I come to this coffee shop to drink tea.

: Destination. Similar to (2) in に above. Used with the change of location verbs いきます, きます, orかえります.

(わたしは) うち かえります。I will return home.

メアリーさんは とうきょう いきます。Mary goes/will go to Tokyo.

: Direct object particle. No equivalent in English. It marks the direct object of the verb.

(わたしは) すし たべます。I eat sushi.

メアリーさんは しんぶん よみます。Mary reads newspaper.

: Similar to English too or also. Where the particle attaches is tricky. Two entities share the same attribute. The second entity should be followed by も. It replaces は、が、を.

メアリーさんは にねんせいです。わたし にねんせいです。

Mary is a 2nd-year student. I am 2nd-year student, too.

(わたしは)コーヒーを のみました。おちゃ のみました。

I drank coffee. I drank tea, too.

It attaches after に、へ、で (Lesson 4).

メアリーさんは どようびに でかけました。にちようび でかけました。

Mary went out on Saturday. (She) went out on Sunday, too.

(わたしは)うちで べんきょうします。としょかん べんきょうします。

I study at home. I study at the library, too.

: Subject particle. No equivalent in English. It marks the subject of the sentence. While many Japanese sentences tend to take the 'Topic+Comment' structure with ~は, the subject particle is used in specific structures/functions as follows.

1) Existence of something/someone (Lesson 4) 「placeにthing/personあります/います」

へやに テレビ ありません。There isn't a TV in the room.

としょかんに がくせい います。There is a student in the library.

2) likes and dislikes (Lesson 5)「personはthingすきです/きらいです」

わたしは すし すきです。I like sushi.

メアリーさんは れきし きらいです。Mary dislikes history.

3) Physical attributes (Lesson 7) 「personはbody partadjective」

メアリーさんは かみ ながいです。Mary has long hair. (As for Mary, her hair is long)

たけしさんは せ たかいです。Takeshi is tall (As for Takeshi, his height is high).

4) With question words in the subject position (Lesson 8): When a question word appears in the subject position, you must use が (you cannot use は). The answers to such questions should also use が in the subject position.

だれ パーティーに きますか。Who comes to the party?

スーさん パーティーに きます。Sue comes to the party.

どのほん おもしろいですか。Which book is interesting?

5) With emphasis (Lesson 8): In English you use intonation to emphasize one of the entities in the sentence. In Japanese, the subject particle has this function, emphasizing the subject.

メアリーさん すしを つくりました。MARY made sushi.

わたし たけしさんと はなします。*I* will talk with Takeshi.

*The distinction between は andが is very complicated. Since this is practice for introductory level learners, you just need to know the structures that require the subject particleが.


1) Connect two or more than two (pro)nouns. (noun) and (noun). Cannot connect verbs or adjectives.

みずおちゃ water and tea

これそれ this and that

2) together with~

スーさんは メアリーさん でかけました。Sue went out with Mary

(Lesson 11):

Similar to と. Implies that there are others that are not mentioned.

とんかつすし tonkatsu, sushi, and others

とんかつすし tonkatsu and sushi (and nothing else)