
University of Bamberg

Teaching Assistant

2018 - (every term): Principles of Macroeconomics (BA level)

Co- and Lead Instructor

Summer Term 2019 – : Economics of Inequality (MA level)

Summer Term 2020 – : History of Economic Thought (BA level)

Winter Term 2018 - 2021: Current Issues in European Economic Policy (BA level)

Winter Term 2020/21: Explanations in Economics and the Social Sciences (BA level, co-taught with Political Science Department)

Summer Term 2022: Computational Simulation for the Social Sciences (BA level, co-taught with Political Science Department)

since 2018: Co-Supervision of about 20 Bachelor and Master theses, primarily on economic inequality and international economics

University of Bayreuth

Teaching Assistant

Summer Term 2014: Social Choice Theory (BA and MA level)

Winter Term 2012/13: Introduction to Philosophy (BA level)

Guest Lectures

Summer Term 2021: Lecture on Perceptions of Gender Inequality (for the course Striving for Gender Equality – Contributions of Positive Political Theory, University of Bamberg)

November 2020: Autumn Meeting of the Network for Pluralism in Economics: Workshop on “Agent-Based Modelling and Network Theory” (with D. Mayerhoffer).

Summer Term 2020: Lecture on the History of Neoliberalism (for the course US Economic History, University of Utah)