
Peer-Reviewed Articles

Schulz, Jan and Milaković, Mishael (2023): “How Wealthy Are the Rich?”, Review of Income and Wealth, 69(1): 100 - 123. [Link] [Twitter Thread]

Media coverage: Böckler Impuls 19/2021 “Unterschätzter Reichtum”, Paper of the Week at Momentum Institut and Stepstone interview "Ab wann ist man reich?".

Schulz, Jan, Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Gebhard, Anna (2023): "Soziale Vergleiche und wahrgenommene Ungleichheit'', Der Öffentliche Sektor - The Public Sector, 48(2): 15 - 18. [Link] [Laudatory Speech]

Schulz, Jan, Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Gebhard, Anna (2022): “A Network-Based Explanation of Inequality Perceptions”, Social Networks, 70: 306 – 324. [Link] [Preprint] [Twitter Thread]

Media coverage: Podcast "In der Wirtschaft" and Münchener Merkur "Gehören Sie dazu? Ab welchem Gehalt Sie in Deutschland als reich gelten".

Schulz, Jan and Mayerhoffer, Daniel (2023): “A Network Approach to Expenditure Cascades”, Review of Behavioral Economics., 10(3): 229-262. [Link]  [Preprint] [Bamberg Economic Research Group Working Paper No. 173] [Twitter Thread]  

Weber, Jan D. and Schulz, Jan (2022): “Growing Differently: European Integration and Regional Cohesion”. Journal of Economic Issues. Accepted. [Description on Jan Weber's Website] 

Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Schulz, Jan (2022): “Perception and Privilege”, Applied Network Science, 7(32). [Link] [Twitter Thread].
GENIAL audience award for best poster by the Women's Affairs Office of the University of Bamberg. You can find the poster here (in German).

Schulz, Jan and Mayerhoffer, Daniel (2021): “Equal chances, unequal outcomes? Network-based evolutionary learning and the industrial dynamics of superstar firms”, Journal of Business Economics, 91: 1357 – 1385. [Link] [Twitter Thread]

Schulz, Jan and Mayerhoffer, Daniel (2023): "Consumption emulation and demand regimes: An inclusive modeling approach", Review of Political Economy. Online First. [Link] 

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes

Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Schulz, Jan (2022): “Marginalization and Misperception: Perceiving Gender and Racial Wage Gaps in Ego Networks”. In: Benito et al. (eds.): Complex Networks & Their Applications X. Springer. [Link]

Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Schulz, Jan (2023): "Redistribution, Social Segregation and Voting Information”. In: Sileno et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Policy-Making (AMPM 2022). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. [Link]

Mayerhoffer, Daniel, Schulz, Jan and Scheller, Simon (2021, in print): “Multidimensionale Krisendiskurse in komplexen Gesellschaften”. In: Ott, Mühlnikel (eds.): Wege aus der Krise.

Papers Under Review or Submitted

Ipsen, Leonhard, Aminian, Armin and Schulz, Jan: "Stress Testing Inflation Exposure: Systemically Significant Prices and Asymmetric Shock Propagation in the EU28" (Bamberg Economic Research Group Working Paper No. 188).

Schulz, Jan, Agoha, Caleb, Gebhard, Anna, Gregg, Bettina and Mayerhoffer, Daniel: "Excessive white male privilege biases the measurement of intersectional wage discrimination".

Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Schulz, Jan: “Social Segregation, Misperceptions, and Emergent Cyclical Choice Patterns”  (Bamberg Economic Research Group Working Paper No. 186).

Work in Progress

Schulz, Jan, Gebhard, Anna and Milaković, Mishael: “The Mesoeconomic Aggregation of Microeconomic Shocks”.

Samartzidis, Lasare, Mundt, Philipp and Schulz, Jan: "Input specificity and labor's bargaining power: A production tree approach to functional income distribution".

Priori, Eleonora, Mayerhoffer, Daniel and Schulz, Jan: "The Comparative Political Economy of Network-Based Consumption Emulation".

Other Writings

Schulz, Jan (2023): "Essays on Aggregation With Heterogeneous and Interacting Agents", PhD dissertation, University of Bamberg. [Link] 

Mayerhoffer, Daniel, Schulz, Jan and Tisch, Daria (2023): "Fehlwahrnehmungen von Überreichtum". Text for the essay award on excessive wealth ("Überreichtum") by the Chamber of Labor Vienna (Arbeiterkammer Wien). Recognition award 2023. 

Schulz, Jan and Weber, Jan (2023): "Is it simple? Is it complicated? No, it's Complexity Economics!'', Teaching Heterodox Economics Magazine.