Jannik Matuschke
Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven
Office: Hogenheuvelcollege (HOGC) 04.123
Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
José Verschae and I are co-chairing the program committee of WAOA 2025 (September 18-19 in Warsaw as part of ALGO 2025).
In March, I will participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization.
I participated in the Santiago Summer Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization 2025. Thanks to the organizers and all participants for a productive and enjoyable time!
I gave a focus lecture on Robust Flows and Interdiction Games at the 27th Aussois Combinatorial Optimization Workshop.
My paper Decomposition of Probability Marginals for Security Games in Max-Flow/Min-Cut Systems was accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming. A follow-up paper appeared at IPCO 2024.
Research Interests
My research is based at the intersection of discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, and operations research. In particular, this includes:
combinatorial optimization,
design and analysis of algorithms,
game theory and social choice,
robustness and uncertainty,
applications in production and logistics.
Short Bio
Since 2019, I work at KU Leuven, where I hold an appointment as Associate Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management. I am also a member of the KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Leuven.AI) and the KU Leuven Institute for Mobility (LIM).
Before joining KU Leuven, I was a junior group leader/lecturer in the Operations Research group of Technische Universität München (2016-2018), a DAAD P.R.I.M.E. fellow at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (2015), and a postdoc at Universidad de Chile (2014). I completed my PhD in Mathematics in 2013 at TU Berlin under the supervison of Martin Skutella and Britta Peis.
PhD Students and Postdocs
Yanfei Chen (PhD student, with Erik Demeulemeester, since 2021)
Léonie Gallois (PhD student, with Morteza Davari, since 2022)
Phablo Moura (Postdoc, with Hande Yaman, since 2023)
Felix Rauh (PhD student, with Hande Yaman, since 2022)
Fei Wu (PhD student, with Erik Demeulemeester, since 2020)
Felipe Carrasco (PhD student, 2019-2023)
Meenarli Sharma (Postdoc, with Tobias Harks at Augsburg University, 2021-2022)
Designing resilient and recoverable infrastructures via multi-level and multi-stage optimization
KU Leuven C1 project with Hande Yaman, started 2022.Optimization and analytics for stochastic and robust project scheduling
FWO research project with Erik Demeulemeester, started 2020.Efficient Performance Analytics for Large-Scale Logistics Networks
KU Leuven start-up grant, 2019-2023.Models and Algorithms for Multi-Level Congestion and Security Problems
DFG research grant with Tobias Harks, 2019-2023.New Challenges in Network Design
DAAD P.R.I.M.E. fellowship, 2014-2016.
Other Academic Activities
Associate Editor of the journals:
Omega - The International Journal of Management Science (since 2023)
Operations Research Letters (since 2024)
OR Spectrum (since 2019)
Program Committees: WAOA 2025 (co-chair), MATCH-UP 2024, INOC 2024, EUROMA 2023, AAAI 2023, INOC 2022, WAOA 2021, WAOA 2019, MATCH-UP 2019
Award Committees: IPCO 2023 Poster Award, ÖGOR Master Thesis Award 2021
At KU Leuven:
Academic Coordinator "Master's Thesis in Production and Logistics" (since 2021)
Member of the Peer Review Board "Teaching Portfolio" (since 2023)
Webmaster for Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik of DMV.