What is Our Mission

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, has brought inspiration to our mission. We believe in the philosophy that people are unable to focus on any goals (job security, housing, relationship building, sobriety, mental health, and self actualization) if they are unable to meet their needs at the very basic level (food, shelter, clothing, education, and hygiene). 

Hygiene and public health are intimately interwoven, and poor hygiene is an inevitable result of homelessness. Establishing proper hygiene is key to a sense of self and better health. When people don't have access to necessary and quality hygiene products, many consequences will develop ranging from reduced self esteem to unemployment to serious diseases. We provide the basic hygiene to people, in hope to build a healthier community and stronger programs overall. 

Simply, we have a goal to make hygiene more equitable and accessible for everyone. As such, are getting ready to launch our first hygiene kits. The purpose of our "Hygiene Kits" is to ensure that we are serving the student body, low income community, and people in need of hygiene products always have access to their most basic needs, and redistribute the items they do not need to reduce waste. We aim to remove the dehumanization of handouts, and empower our most underserved community members to have the dignity and benefits that come with good hygiene and choice.