
I have also taken an intro to power and privilege class that has helped me understand bias and prejudice. That class has also helped me with obtaining knowledge about these institutions that have been complicit in holding down minority communities. In the assigned reading “Is Everyone Really Equal” by Sensoy and Diangelo details the “External and structural dimensions of privilege” (Sensoy and Diangelo 82). These structural dimensions of privilege can help us understand the inner workings of why some of these communities are not successful.

My name is James Garret, and I am a proud African American. I pride myself not on what I can do for my country, but what I can do for the people. I come from a very poor community surrounded by lots of racism and prejudice. It wasn't until I reached my 20s that I realized how broken the system is. The system was not built for the many, but for the few. Thats what drove me to make a change. DESJ is the first class that is directly involved in helping less fortunate communities. It has taught me how to identify a community need and focus efforts on filling that need.