Q&A Share Units

Dear residents

Some answers for your questions regarding Share Unit Maintenance Fee set up you can find below.

1. Why Jalilmas need to change from square feet to share unit set up for maintenance fee payments?

Answer: this is a compliance for properties as mentioned in the strata act 757 . Right now Jalilmas not complies with this law which is not a good thing so the Management will ensure Jalilmas maintenance fee set up after the 4th AGM will comply. Most likely start as per 1st January 2025.

2. Why the share unit maintenance fee set up is better?

Answer: Because a more accurate calculation is done (based on a formulea) what owners need to pay.

3. Who create these share units per unit?

 Answer: this is done by a land surveyor who provide the details to COB (=building authorities). 

4. What different share unit versions we have at Jalilmas?

Answer: there are 4 different unit types. A,B,C and D. Each unit type has different share units.

5. How many share units has each unit type?

Type A: 82 share units

Type B: 83 share units

Type C: 88 share units

Type D: 89 share units

6. How I know how much I need to pay in the new share unit set up?

Answer: the maintenance fee you need to pay is:

Your unit share units x the share cost ratio

Example unit A =82 x  the share unit cost ratio 

7. How do I know the share unit cost ratio?

Answer: This is to be calculated using a formulea

SHARE UNIT COST RATIO = The current budget / total Jalilmas share units

(TOTAL BUDGET) RM 140,840 / (TOTAL SHARE UNITS) 86,838 = 1,70248048

What unit number has what share units?