Contact Forms

依頼工作/Construction Request

新規申請フォーム/New Request Form 


This is for submitting new requests for Construction Request. If you need to contact us about a request that has already been submitted, please use the Contact Form. 

新規依頼相談フォーム/Construction Request Preliminary Consultation Form 


This form is for inquiring about a construction project before submitting a request. If you have already submitted a request, please use the contact form. 

連絡フォーム/Contact Form


This form is used for contacting us regarding a previously submitted request for Construction Request. You will need to provide your email address and the reference number that was sent to you by email from the system at the time of your application. 

引取り方法指定フォーム/Pickup Method Selection Form


After receiving a completion notification from the staff for the Construction Request, please use this.  You can choose between two options: unmanned pickup or pickup from our staff. Either option will require you to specify a preferred time for visiting the Machineshop. 

備品貸出申請/Equipment Rental Request

・備品貸出申請フォーム/Equipment Rental Request Form(準備中 こちらを使ってください。/Under construction. Please use this form.

備品引取り日時調整フォーム/Equipment Pickup Schedule Form


The management number sent by the system via email after submitting the equipment rental application is required. 

その他の問い合わせ/Other Inquiries