Junior Research Fellows

Karunakar Majhi

Life on earth is incredibly diverse, and somehow studying this diversity, be it on the lines of variation in the molecules or the major macroevolutionary phenomenon, has always been my interest. For my master's at the National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, I conducted a comparative study about the performance of different species delimitation tools across seven genera. Currently, I am a junior research fellow at the evolutionary ecology lab under the guidance of Dr. Jahnavi Joshi. In this project, I will examine how species diversity differs across space throughout the Western and Eastern Ghats. I am also fascinated by the idea of speciation and the drivers of it. In my free time, I love to write works of fiction and watch films.

Madhumithraa N R

I am an MSc graduate in Botany and plant systematics enthusiast drawn much towards their immense diversity. My general research interest is understanding variations at the morphological and molecular level among plants. Currently, at the Evolutionary Ecology Lab, I will be examining the role of evolutionary processes in shaping the richness, assembly and diversification patterns of woody plants in Western Ghats, India. In my free time, I build taxonomy keys and play the violin.