Dissertation students

Sudhanshu Kumar

I am a final-year integrated BS-MS student from IISER Pune majoring in Biology. I have always been interested in studying the Ecology and Evolution of animals. Why some species live in particular regions, and their evolutionary history are some aspects that are of particular interest to me. For my dissertation work at the Evolutionary Ecology lab, I will be looking at the phylogeography of a few centipede species found in western ghats. I am specifically planning to look at the role of geoclimatic, geographic and ecological factors in speciation in centipedes. Apart from biology, I also like to travel and watch movies during my free time. 

Dhanush S. S.

I am a final year integrated BS-MS student from IISER Pune majoring in biology with a minor in humanities and social science. I am keenly interested in ecology, evolution and animal behaviour, specifically phylogeography, population genetics, and community ecology. I am fascinated by the intricacies of evolution and am interested in studying how geographical, environmental factors, and life history traits shape an organism's evolutionary trajectory. As a part of my master's thesis, I will be studying the comparative phylogeography of a few co-distributed centipede species endemic to the Western Ghats. Besides science, I am also passionate about music and cinema.