Short Bio

I am a PhD student at UC Berkeley and affiliated researcher at VMware Research. Prior to joining Sky Computing Lab, I was a researcher at national research lab in South Korea, ETRI. I was fortunate to be a part of prominent research group, CASYS (Computer Architecture and Systeme Lab) in KAIST. During my masters, I mainly focused on leveraging the full potential of Persistent Memory in both architectural and systems perspective. I received B.S in Software from SKKU. My primary research goal was to optimize CPU-GPU heterogeneous systems. 

My fellows usually just call me jae(pronounced jay)


Ph.d in progress at Computer ScienceAdvised by: Ion Stoica and unofficially by Vincent Liu
M.S in Computer ScienceAdvised by: Youngjin Kwon2 years full tuition scholarship
B.S in Software4 years full tuition scholarship*Spent 2 years for military service

Work Experience

[2023.5 - 2023.8]Research InternMentored by: Marcos. K. Aguilera[2021.3 - 2021.8]Full time researcher
[2014.12 - 2015.2]SWE Intern