Teaching & Mentorship Experience

  • Teaching Assistant:

        • CS 539 Machine Learning (twice)

            • The focus of this course was machine learning for knowledge-based systems. It included reviews of work on similarity-based learning (induction), explanation-based learning, analogical and case-based reasoning and learning, and knowledge compilation. It also considered other approaches to automated knowledge acquisition as well as connectionist learning.

        • CS 5007 Introduction to Programming Concepts, Data Structures and Algorithms

            • This is an introductory graduate course teaching core computer science topics typically found in an undergraduate Computer Science curriculum, but at a graduate-level pace. It is primarily intended for students with little formal preparation in Computer Science to gain experience with fundamental Computer Science topics. After a review of programming concepts the focus of the course continues on data structures from the point of view of the operations performed upon the data and to apply analysis and design techniques to non-numeric algorithms that act on data structures. The data structures covered include lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs. Projects focused on the writing of programs to appropriately integrate data structures and algorithms for a variety of applications .

        • CS 565 User Modeling

            • User modeling is a cross-disciplinary research field that attempts to construct models of human behavior within a specific computer environment . Contrary to traditional artificial intelligence research, the goal is not to imitate human behavior as such, but to make the machine able to understand the expectations, goals, knowledge, information needs, and desires of a user in terms of a specific computing environment . The computer representation of this information about a user is called a user model, and systems that construct and utilize such models are called user modeling systems . A simple example of a user model would be an e-commerce site which makes use of the user’s and similar users’ purchasing and browsing behavior in order to better understand the user’s preferences. In this class, the focus was on obtaining a general understanding of user modeling, and an understanding of how to apply user modeling techniques . Students read seminal papers in the user modeling literature, as well as completed a course project where students built a system that explicitly models the user.

        • CS 525 Special Topics: Online Learning Infrastructure

            • This course acquaints participants with the fundamental concepts and state-of-the-art computer science research in online instructional systems. Advanced interactive instructional systems serve as tutors, as learning companions or both. This course introduces their design, the technology that powers them, the learning theories that motivate them and results from experimental evaluations. We cover both the learning theory, and how to design and build systems consistent with existing theories. Each student was be paired up to work on a project that involves online learning infrastructure.

  • Mentoring:

        • CS 565 User Modeling

              • Lead a team of computer science students, without previous exposure to data science or natural language processing (NLP), to utilize NLP to vectorize student answers into an embedding space; allowing systems to discern the similarity of language and content within them. From this, we developed a scoring mechanism to relate our similarity calculations to what a teacher would suggest is most similar.

        • Mentored team of students in CS 525 Special Topics: Online Learning Infrastructure

              • Led a team of 5 students in the development of infrastructure to support randomized controlled trials within the intelligent tutoring system, Assistments. More specifically, developing the infastructure to support RCT's for open response feedback. This includes untilizing machine learned natural language processing models.

        • Data Science PhD New Student Mentorship Program

              • Guiding new PhD students within the WPI Data Science program