LMP2 (SY. 2021-2022)

1. Describe at least two of the most important lessons you learned from our class this school year.

2. What your most memorable or happiest experiences from our class?

3. If I had to redo my junior year, what would I do differently?

4. Rate your effort for our class (5 being the highest to 1 being the lowest) and describe your one challenge and one success during this school year.

Year - End Reflection

The two most important lessons I learned from hospitality is telephone skills and the 7 elements of guests service gold. Telephone skills are important because when a guests calls, it is important to have a polite tone because it is like your first impression of meeting a guest. You want to make sure the guest feels welcome even if it is through the telephone. The 7 elements of guests service is very important to me because how a guest feels is a huge thing for the hotel, so your guests will have a great experience and tell others about their stay there and to keep them coming back.

My happiest experiences from our class would definitely be the freshman recruitment and when we got to dress professionally. The freshman recruitment was fun because I got to share my experience in the hospitality program and what you can benefit from the class. I loved when we got to dress professionally because when you look good, you feel good. Everyone had such positive energy whenever we had professional dress day and so many smiles and I love to see that from my peers!

If I had to redo my junior year I only wish that we got to go on field trips and got to get the experience of being interns. I just wished COVID didn't get in the way of all of those things. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing. I'm glad I got to meet my peers and got to know each of them personally.

My effort in the class would be a 4. I know I could've done better but I did get lazy in the beginning because we switched back to online schooling for a short period of time and then the transition of cohorts. then back to having all the students come back. There was just so many changes and adjustments and it was kind of difficult to find a routine that worked for me. My mental health also went downhill for a short period but I am doing better and feel like I can do so much more. I am now President of the HosTS club and hope to make the club memorable for everyone and hope that we all get to experience the things that we missed because of COVID.

Topics to discuss:

respect, openness, freedom to question, learning climate, engagement and interaction, classroom cleanliness, compare and comment your current in-person class vs last year's online class, any suggestions for

improvements, share about highlights of this year, and comment your honest level of

effort and motivation (high to low).

Classroom Environment Reflection

In my 2nd period, I like that it is an engaging classroom. I like that everyone is able to talk freely about things, even if it does not pertain to the topic we are discussing. It's comforting in a way that what we discuss in the classroom will stay in here. In my classes other than LMP we do not often get to talk things other things besides the lesson. Mr. Chong cares about our mental health and well-being. Everyone in my class period is able to talk to one another and it's nice to know that we will always have someone to lean on in this class.

In-person learning is much better than online. While I was online I didn't understand the meaning of talking to people but yet feeling so lonely. Until the lockdown and when we had to do classes online. I felt beyond stressed, isolated, and distant from everything. When I came back to in-person learning I felt different and it took some getting used to, but I am happy that I did.

The highlight of this year would very much be that I got the amazing chance to get to know my peers better. To have a good bond with each of them. The improvements I would like to see is the classroom be cluster and junk free so we can have more space in the classroom, maybe have an activity day where we do something other than book work or lectures, and all in all just be able to bond more with my peers. My effort and motivation for this school year would probably be a 3 out of 4 . I say this because I did slack a little throughout the school year, I procrastinated, but I am glad that I am taking that step to do better and improve more.


What is the freshmen recruitment all about?

What was your role?

How did you prepare for this?

So what?

What was the outcome of your presentations?

Describe the audience's responses.

How did you feel after you presented? How do you feel about your public speaking skills?

What did you learned about marketing and promoting our program?

What were the challenges in recruiting freshmen?

Now what?

If you were to re-do this, what would you do differently?

What changes would you make?

How do you ensure a successful presentation?



The past days were all about preparing for freshmen recruitment and actually doing it. Freshmen recruitment is when we try to persuade the freshmen to join the hospitality program by explaining what we do in hospitality and the many things you can earn by being in the program. We talked about the many things you can learn about while taking this course and the things that you can take part in. My role was being one of the presenters. While preparing for the presentation it took practice. Mainly because my group members were not here after we assigned their parts and we had to take that responsibility of filling in their parts of the presentation but we managed to do so and did really good once the day came when we had to present to the freshmen. Some of my group members and I were kind of nervous because the freshmen pretty much just looked us dead in the eye while we were presenting. At the end we did pretty good for only a few days of practice.

So what?

When presenting to the different classes, the first class was boring. They did not ask much questions, they looked bored so that kind of made my group members and I feel like we didn't do a good job. The other two classes however were pretty good. They made us feel good our presentation. The last class we presented to had many questions and comments and they actually paid attention to our presentation. They did not only ask the people who were presenting but the other people in my class who were in the audience. They asked why we chose hospitality instead of the other programs and what we liked about it. I felt pretty good after my presentation, I definitely feel like my public speaking skills have improved. Knowing your material and what it is about helps especially if you are not a public speaker. I say that because you are not just standing up there not even knowing what your topic is about.

Now what?

In honesty I think the only thing I would fix is my posture, I say this because my knee was hurt from practice and I was sort of putting more weight on my left leg more than my left side. My volume and my marketing skills were pretty good. I made sure to be loud so that I could have their attention and made sure I knew what I was saying to be prepared for the questions they might ask.

09/13/21 Reflection: What did you learn?, How can I apply this to my life?

Today I learned that in hospitality there is a lot of different ethic groups which means there is diversity. Diversity is a topic that a lot of us say we understand or know about. The thing we don't know or is difficult for us to execute it. We should all practice respecting and valuing each other because at the end of the day we all encounter hardships and bleed the same color. RAVE plays can play a huge role in each of our lives. We all need to practice it! That saying "to be respected, you need to give it". Our society is majority one way. Meaning that there's not many open minded people. People tell us "oh its this way" and we go with it because we believe them. I say that we should all use our curiosity and see it for ourselves, instead of going off of others opinions.

I can apply this in my life because in society today there is so much hate to the other races (black, asian, and muslim). We all need to learn how to respect each other. It does not matter what color their skin is, they are still human. They all still have feelings, family, and dreams. To be in the hospitality program you need soft skills such as communication skills, social skills, personality traits and attitude. You can be brilliant at hard skills but you would definitely need soft skills to be in the hospitality industry. We are suppose to welcome strangers and guests with warmth and generosity but you cannot accomplish that if you feel a certain way towards a certain race or ethnic group. You cannot love someone and not respect them. I feel like it goes against the whole principle of it. Without respect there can be no real love. You can love a subject but not the person teaching it, with that said you will not be able to respect he/she.