Jade Edenstar Master

I am currently a principal investigator at GLAIVE. Before that I was a software engineer working on the finance backend for HSS ProService. Before that I was a research associate at the Mathematically Structured Programming Group working on the coalgebraic foundations of quantitative formal verification. Before that I completed my Ph.D at University of California Riverside studying categorical Petri nets and network theory with John Baez.  From 2012 to 2016 I completed a B.S. in Applied Math and a B.S. in Physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I'm friendly! drop me a note if you need anything. Check out the videos in the talk section of this site for an introduction to my work.




What's New

Composing Behaviors of Networks, PhD Thesis, 2021.

Can Enriched Category Theory Compute? 

Published Papers

Video abstract

Joint winner of the ACT 2018 best paper prize


Abstract: My short answer to this question is that homology is powerful because it computes invariants of higher categories. In this article we show how this true by taking a leisurely tour of the connection between category theory and homological algebra.

Blog Posts

Here is a blog post I wrote about representing Euler's method using free categories:

Here is a blog post I wrote about a formal connection between linear algebra and enriched category theory:

Here is a blog post I wrote about marked Petri nets:

Here is a blog post I wrote about my work on generalizations of Petri nets:

Here is a blog post I wrote about Linguistics in Category Theory:

Here is a blog post that John Baez wrote about our work on open Petri nets:

I am writing a series of blog posts about the Grothendieck construction called Let's Grothendieck Everything In Sight:

I've also been writing about about dynamical systems and category theory:


Awarded Best Student Presentation at SYCO4

Other Workshops and Service