Minorities in Applied Category Theory
MACT2020 is a structured research community to help minorities in applied category theory gain research experience and connections. This approach aims to remove barriers to entry in applied category theory for people from marginalized groups. Minorities are underrepresented in mathematics as a whole, and applied category theory is no exception. Additionally, our mission is to help people who have not already obtained success in academia. Applications from people who are not professional mathematicians are encouraged.
The application form can be found here:
Structure: The organizers will form small groups to work on a small research projects (duration ~2 months). Each group will have weekly online meetings. We will also have a chat for all the participants where we can draw from a broader range of expertise. To keep momentum, each research group will write a weekly progress report to share with the larger community.
Important Dates:
April 3rd: Deadline for applications.
April 10th-17th: First weekly meeting.
Questions? Email Jade Master at jmast003@ucr.edu.