English (英語コンテンツ)

Short Video

THE CENTRAL DOGMA -synra edition- English Narration

To the Scientists of the Future #01 -Superconductor-

Vivid! Experiment Video 3 : Diamonds !

Why Astronomers Want to Use ALMA

Can DNA control molecular robots?

Simple organisms. Complex behaviors.

Musculoskeletal Robot Driven by Multifilament Muscles

20m Super Long Robot Arm - Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body -

KURNe #9, Making and eye for you

KURN Bookshelves #1, Yasuo Deguchi "Asian Philosophy"

Commemoration for winning the Nobel Prize! “An Inside Look at the True

Lecture Presentation

Unfolding the universe of Theo Jansen Part 1

Unfolding the universe of Theo Jansen Part 2

Kyoto University iCeMS Learning Lounge #11 "Shapes of Neurons Shape Our Behavior" Ms. Kelly Kawabata

Kyoto Univ. iCeMS Learning Lounge #11 "Foul Play! Making Self-Cleaning Surfaces" Mr. Andrew Gibbons

KURNe #6, The 3.8M Telescope SEIMEI (Long Ver)

KURN Bookshelves #2, Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano "Asian Cinema"

Reading material