Relative Dating, Radioactive Dating, Water Cycle,

Ocean Basins, Coasts, Tides, and Waves

-=-------=- Water/Hydrologic Cycle -=-------=-

Here is my attempt at the Water Cycle Circle Book. Materials needed: Scissors, Crayons, Split Pins, Glue Sticks.

The Water Cycle.pptx

A basic PowerPoint covering the Water Cycle made by The powerpoint can lead into the water cycle activity.

The Water Cycle Station Classroom Activity.docx

-=------------=- Ocean Basins -=------------=-

This printable worksheet is good practice for both knowing the continent names as well as the ocean basins. The colored sheet is a suggested color reference for students to color in after they fill in the blanks.

A project like this one could be a fun idea, but it would require a lot of time and effort, both to set up and to actually build it. This would be more suited for a week (or two) long project.

-=------------------=- Coasts -=------------------=-

A small quiz on some costal vocabulary.

This link is a video demonstrating erosion on the coasts using a scale model.

Having the students use google earth might be too advanced depending on the grade level, but showing real examples of different coastlines through google earth is still a great idea.

-=-------------------=- Tides -=-------------------=-

tides powerpoint.pptx

Here is a PowerPoint about tides. There are several animations and activities to provides a whole lessons worth of information. This PowerPoint was created by

-=------------------=- Waves -=------------------=-

Having already talked briefly about the different types of waves in the earthquake section, introducing how waves work along with the vocabulary would work well with a slinky presentation.

Alongside the lecture is a short worksheet that has the students classify the different types of mass movements, as well as list some of the potential dangers.

Here is the great video that was used in one of the group presentations. Reusing the slinky from talking about waves in the earthquake section would be ideal.

The wave in a bottle activity is one that doesn't take much time to set up. It also looks really cools and gives a nice visual of how wave work.

Supergluing the lid shut is important to prevent any spills of the blue staining food coloring. The bottle also makes for a poor mans lava lamp.

A small quiz on the different parts of a wave.

-=--=- Relative and Radioactive Dating -=--=-


The half-life M&M activity would be a good one. It helps demonstrate how half of the parent isotopes change to daughters. It is not necessary to use M&M's, you could also flip coins or roll dice; however, the M&M's make for a nice treat once the activity is finished.

law of superposition worksheet.pdf

This activity focuses on the Law of Superposition and it would be nice to create a physical lab based on this as a project.