
Deep Direct Use Geothermal Heating and Cooling for University Campus Buildings

CEE 493 - Sustainable Engineering Design, Fall 2020

Report, Presentation

Polya's Urn and Natural Language Generating Processes

Math 564 - Applied Stochastic Processes, Fall 2020

Report, Presentation, Code

Business Operations and Finance using Microsoft Excel

TE 566 - Finance for Engineering Management, Fall 2019


A Low-Cost Platform for testing of Vision-based UAV Navigation Algorithms

Internship at Collins Aerospace, Summer 2019

Captive Carry Video, Simulation Test Video, UAV Test Flight Video

Vision-based Lane Detection for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

AE 598 - Advanced Global Satellite Navigation Systems, Spring 2019

Code, Video

Implementing and Exploring Double Deep Q-Learning

IE 534 - Deep Learning, Fall 2018

Report, Code, Video

Advanced Kalman Filtering for State Estimation of Planetary Entry Vehicle

AE 598 - Planetary Entry, Fall 2018


SASSI CubeSat Experimental Navigation Module

Summer Research Internship at UIUC, Summer 2018


Forward and Inverse Kinematics with the Baxter Robot

ECE 470 - Introduction to Robotics, Spring 2018

Code, Video

Star Tracker with LSTM: Satellite Attitude Determination

Undergrad Thesis, Spring 2018

Report, Code

Attitude Determination and Control Systems Team Lead for CubeSat Missions

Tested and verified ADCS hardware that were deployed on the CubeSail, LAICE, CapSat, SpaceICE, and SASSI^2 CubeSat missions

August 2016 - May 2018

LASSI Website, Video